Chapter 3

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Allison's pov

I looked at my dad and his face finally softened after Lucas was basically scared shitless.

"Nice to meet you im Mark stone" he said and smiled and he sighed in relief and smile back.

"Lucas Jones" he said and he came next to me.

"Ahh your dad John Jones and your the alpha of Kenakki pack" pop said and Lucas nodded

"Yeah do you remember seeing me before you blacked out" Lucas said and my dad nodded

"Done saved your ass there boy" pop said and laughed

"Well I'm gonna get some rest" pop said and I nodded

"Night pop" I said and gave him a kiss oh his crown

"Night ally girl" he said me and Lucas walked out and I showed him around.

"So where do you stay" he said

"I stay in my own Cabin deep in the woods it's nice and quiet only my parents and a family friend know where it is it's basically like a safe house in case of emergencies it leads to our safe tunnel" I said and he nodded and I smiled

"Come on your gonna stay with me" i said and he smiled

We got to the my cabin and it has a pathway leading to it because it's built on the lake well sort of its half on the lake and the other half on land it's a beautiful two story cabin and the lake is beautiful too he looked at the cabin in amazement when I opened the door I smelled something a scent someone was in here I held back Lucas and he smelled it too I let out a low growl someone zipped in front of me and to my surprise it was Ethan.

"ETHAN!!!" I yelled and jumped on him and gave him a hug

"LITTLE WOLF" he yelled back and chuckled I heard a low growl coming from Lucas and I chuckled.

"This is the family friend i told you about this is Ethan he's a vampire" I said Lucas was still shooting daggers cause Ethan had his arm around my shoulder and Ethan laughed.

"Chill dude I'm gay and have a mate plus I'm eight hundred years old and could probably have your ass on the floor in three seconds" he said and chuckled

"Who is this" Ethan said

"My mate" I said and his eyes widened and he jumped up and down in excitement

"OH MY GOD ALLY WAIT UNTIL MACK HEARS" He yelled and I laughed

"Nice to meet you" Ethan said calming down

"Mack is Ethans mate-wait if your here is Mack here too!!!" I said and smiled

"No he will be here in a few days though" he said

Okay your wondering who the hell is Ethan and Mack they are like my best friends and obvious there gay Ethan always has my back and has protected me since I came out the womb so has Mack and they are the cutest couple I've seen other than my parents. Ethan is an ancient vampire one of the first of his kind and has met Van Gogh and Da vinci!!! He is in charge of a coven as well. He met mack when he was like two hundred something and have been together ever since and they are so adorable!!!!

"Nice to meet you" Lucas said and relaxed a bit

"Take the extra room Ethan your more than welcome" i said and smiled and he nodded I showed lucas my room and he jumped on the bed and I laughed.

"Okay so tell me more about you" he said and I sat next to him

"Well I'm 17 I go to Woodridge high I have a little brother he's 3 his name is malakai but we call him kai and another brother Parker he's away at some camp thing for alphas my bestfriend is Lisa she's gonna freak when she meets you she's legit been dying for me to get a mate her mate is the son of master of arms here his name is Mavrick but we call him mav and his sister is leah and I have some more friends too but you'll see then tomorrow there names are Nick and melanie and they are also brother and sister um the rest of the people you can meet as we go that's basically my life" I said and he smiled

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