Chapter 20

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Allison's pov

"This isn't a hit list for William it's for joan" I said and I picked up my phone and called Lucas.


Me-whatever you do don't let Joan out of your sight everyone in that room she wants them dead

Lucas-shit okay I got to go Evan just walked in

I hung up the phone and looked at Stephan and Paul.

"We missed an important name" I said looking at the list

"Jane" I said and I ran out of the office to the elevator and went to the party and I looked around for Jane.

"She's with the girls allison" lacey said

"At the bar" Elijah said I went to the bar and grabbed Jane

"Guys get Jane out if here now" I said and they nodded and they walked out and I watched them walk to the van and get in. I walked back inside and I saw William looking at me. He looked away and I blended with the crowd.

Okay so the list is basically a list of people that Joan wants dead. But I don't know why she wants Jane Dom Evan Lisa Mel and my parents dead.. but I remember alot of the people in that list saying Joan hates them and that Joan sometimes threatens them. I looked at William and he was heading towards the elevator.

"Joe you might have company" Elijah said

"I got it" Joe said

"Joe there is about ten men going up there with needles you don't got it" I said I ran to the elevator and opened it and smiled.

"Mind if I join" I said and I pressed the close button. The elevator was really big could probably fit 20 people weird right. A guy came up to me and I grabbed his hand and I burned him and he winced in pain.

"Oops did I burn you sorry boys but it's about to get hot in here" I said I pressed the emergency stop button and I heated up their bodies all except for Williams they started to choke and soon they fell dead and I looked at William. I grabbed his neck and slammed him again the wall.

"You should know that you messed with the wrong people" I said he put a needle in my neck and the liquid burned it was wolfsbane.

"I'm not any ordinary wolf" I said and smiled and pointed to the dead bodies. I looked into his eyes and they dialated.

"They died because I boiled their blood now if you don't want that to happen. Your gonna get these bodies out of here and your gonna go home tonight and your gonna hang yourself and leave a note saying how depressed you were and little Joan oh don't worry about her she will not be your concern anymore" I said and smiled he nodded and I pressed the button and the elevator moved again. The door opened and joe looked ready to fight and he looked at the floor and I fixed my skirt and smiled and I stepped over the bodies.

"What girls do it better" I said and smiled

"You have powers" he said pouting and I chuckled

"Anyways" I said

"Get out of there now!" Lacey yelled we pressed the elevator door and when it opened there were about 15 guards so we ran the other way we got into a room and locked the door.

"There is no way out" Stephan said

"No shit Sherlock" Joe said

"Guys there is a window" I said I ran to the window and jumped throw breaking the glass and I shifted into a dragon and I went back up and Stephan Paul and joe jumped on and I flew away.

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