Chapter 56

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Allison's pov

I woke up to the kids and Lucas already awake. I made my coffee and made breakfast.

As I was pouring coffee I felt like something was wrong then malia ran in with tears on her face.

"Malia?" I said

"She took mason she came to my cabin she asked for me to with her and I said no and she's torturing him" malia said and tears went down her face

"Malia please calm down" I said

"I can't i just I cant" malia said and I grabbed her shoulders.

"Malia" I said

"I cant!" She yelled

"MALIA!" I roared

She snapped out of it and took a deep breath.

"We will find him malia" I said

"Okay" Malia said and she sat down.

"I'm gonna run around everywhere see if I can find him okay?" I said and malia nodded and i zipped out of the door.

I ran around the whole land he wasn't here so I went outside the borders and ran and looked everywhere but I couldn't find his scent. It's like he was cloaked. I got to kenakki pack and I found Martin.

"Hey kiddo what's up" he said

"Malia parks do you know her?" I said

"Everyone should know her. Her parents died by rogues every pack in Alaska heard of them" Martin said

I told Martin the whole story on malia her brother and her parents.

"So someone is after her right now and they took her which is her aunt who took all the black werewolves bent then to her will and that's why they are extinct and she has malias mate and is torturing him" he said and I nodded

"Hey guys what's up" lacey said

"Just the girl I need to take back to silver creek" I said

"For?" She said

"Marcus parks" I said

"How do you know about him" she said

"He's alive so is Malia and so are her parents." I said

"What" she said and started to cry I told lacey the story too and by the end she was in tears of joy.

"Angelia and Oliver were like kids to me I watched them grow up I never met malia in person but I've heard of her. Marcus of course I never met and i would love to see them" She said and I smiled

"Martin make sure Parker is okay I want to make sure everyone is okay I don't want them to get caught up in this because I know if Leah knew she would get in it she hates seeing people in trouble ever since she had her pups" I said and he nodded

"Of course" Martin said I grabbed laceys hand and zipped back to silver creek.

Malia's pov

I called my parents and Marcus to come and within two hours they were here.

"I'm so sorry baby I wish we could've kept you and marcus from this" mom said and Marcus hugged me.

"Don't be scared malia" Marcus said

"I'm not scared for myself because I don't care what happens to me but I feel so sorry for who ever hurts mason or any of you" I said

"Malia" I heard I turned and saw a blonde hair girl.

"Allison who's this?" I said

"Lacey" mom said

"Angelia Oliver oh my god" she said and ran to my parents and hugged them.

"This is lacey" I said and lacey looked at me.

"She looks so much like you angelia and Marcus you look exactly like your dad" lacey said and chuckled

"I love this whole family reunion stuff but please my mate is out there being tortured and I don't like it so please can we get to work" I said irritated and everyone nodded.

"Anna works in tricks she may bend people to her will but if anyone knows her tricks it's me and trust me we will get mason back and we will release every black wolf that is bent to her will" mom said and I nodded

"So what's the plan" lacey said

"Alright......." Allison said

I'm so sorry for not updating in forever I've just been busy with school! But I'm gonna try and get a few chapters up soon! Also don't forget that this is a cross over with the book "Alone"!!!


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