Chapter 47

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Allison's pov

As we watched the movies I put Liam and Levi down for a nap I went to the kitchen and got a wine glass. I grabbed the wine and poured some. I swirled the wine and smiled at the thought of Martin. I took a sip then I felt someone push in my mind. I let the link through and it was Ethan.


I dropped the glass and Lucas came in along with everyone else.

"Allison what is it" Parker said

"Somethings wrong with mom and dad" I said Parker stared off and widened his eyes.

"Kaylee is over there with a few friends Allison get us there please go after Kaylee and get her safe. Promise me" Parker said

"I promise Lucas and everyone else stay we will be right back" I said I grabbed Parker and Leah then zipped over I left them a little deep into yellow stone and then went for Kaylee. After I found Kaylee I took her back to kenakki and gave her to Lucas and zipped back. I got to my parents and it was quiet. To quiet.

"Looking for your parents" i heard I turned around and the scent hit me like a truck. Rogue. I growled and then rogues came out with my parents.

'Parker and Leah you get back to kenakki now with Kaylee promise me you will go back' i said through the link

'Fine' Parker said

"See Parker and Leah came by but didn't find a thing we could've taken them but we didn't want them we wanted your parents" the rogue said and smiled i stepped forward and he stopped me

"Take another step and your parents are gonna die" he said and I smiled

"Fine I wont" I said and smiled i ripped the rogues hearts out that were carrying my parents and then I heard a gun go off twice.

"MOM DAD!" I screamed and the rogue laughed.

"Well this could've went the easier way but I guess it will be the hard way" the rogue said

"What do you want" I said and cried

"You killed my brother Allison all I want is revenge see i was gonna kill Parker but then I thought eh to easy so I went right where it would hurt most your dear mom and your close bond with your dad" he said and smiled

"Refresh my memory on who your brother is because I've killed alot of people" I said and smiled



"MAYBE I SHOULD JUST LET YOU WATCH AS I WATCHED YOU KILL MY BROTHER!" he yelled I heard a gun go off and I roared on pain as it hit my leg. It was silver it hurt a bit but not as much as it should. I fell to my knees and the rogue grabbed my head and picked it up and four rogues came out. They picked up my mom and my dad and they had tears in their eyes.

'Parker Allison we love you please take care of kai and protect each other. We love you and we always will' Mom said through the link.

Then they ripped out her heart.

"NO! MOM!" I yelled and cried and my dad looked at me.

'We will see you later I love you Allison and I love you Parker please listen to your mom and protect kai with your life' dad said

"Please dont" I cried then they ripped his heart out and I was angry. I was more angry than I was when kai was taken. More angry when Lucas rejected me. It was a whole new level of anger. I roared so loud I got up and I ripped out the rogues heart all I saw was red. I sniffed out every rogue and killed every single one.

When I finished I ran to my mom and my dad and I cried. The warriors showed up and looked around and saw the dead rogues and my parents.

"Allison" a warrior said and I zipped to kenakki and got to the house and ran in everyone was holding down Parker. When I walked in I fell to my knees.

"Ally what's going on" kai said

"Go upstairs with Ellie okay" I said Ellie took him upstairs and I got to Parker and I looked at him. He looked at me and all I saw was pain and anger.

"I was useless I had all this power and o was useless Parker. They shot mom and dad with silver. Then they shot me in the leg and made me watch then kill mom and dad. And it's all my fault because I ripped out four of the rogues hearts for taking mom and dad. If I never did that they would be alive. It's because I killed someone and their brother came for me. They were going to kill you but they went after mom and dad instead and I am so sorry parker." I cried and he hugged me and he cried on my shoulder. My mom. My dad. They are gone. Then I pushed Parker off and zipped to Damien.

"Bring them back bring them back to life please Damien" I said and cried

"I can't Allison the spirits are angry even if I replace their life with another they still are angry" he said and I threw him to the wall.

"BRING THEM BACK!" I roared and Chris zipped to me and held me down.

"Allison calm down" he said Martin ran in and I threw Chris off.

"BRING THEM BACK DAMIEN!" I yelled and Martin ran to me and roared and I snapped out of it. I looked at Damien and Chris and I put my hand over my mouth.

"I'm sorry" I said I looked at Martin and he hugged me and I broke down crying.

"I can't lose them Liam and Levi and any other pup deserved to know them" I cried

"I know pal I know" he said I started to get angry again.

"I have to go I can't stay right now Lucas I'll be back but I can't be near Liam and Levi not like this I'll be back tomorrow" I said I zipped to the amazon and got to Jan and Bryan and knocked on the door and they opened it. I had tears down my face and Jan hugged me.

"Come in and tell us what happened" Bryan said

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