Chapter 61

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Allison's pov

"It doesn't make any sense he should be awake" i said

"He's not!" Malia yelled

"And it's all your fault" malia growled her eyes started to changed they turned red. She was going rogue I looked at Damien and backed away then I turned and looked at malia again.

"Malia" i said

Malia tackled me down and growled and Damien used his magic to send malia flying through the air.

"MALIA!" I roared and she looked at me.

"What happened" she said and got up.

"You almost went rogue again." Damien said

"It didn't work.. now I have to tell the pack and everyone he's not coming back." Malia said and cried

"Go back home and prepare for it okay malia I'll be there in a bit" I said and she nodded

Malia shifted then ran back home.

"This doesn't make any sense why won't he wake up." Damien said

"Allison I found something" Ethan linked me

"What is it" I linked back

"You said your trying to bring him back right well it's not gonna work-" I cut him off

"I know we figured that out" I linked

"Let me finish little wolf. It won't work at first it takes a while because the toxin is still in his body the spell will take the toxin out but it takes a while since the wolfsbane is so strong" he linked and I smiled

"Thank you ethan!!" I linked and I looked at Damien

"It worked" I said and smiled and I went to masons coffin and listened. After about 30 seconds I heard his heart beat. It was going really slow but it was there.

"He's alive." I said and smiled

"Now all we do is wait" I said

I explained to Damien what Ethan told me and he was relieved.

After a few hours mason shot out of the coffin gasping for air and we ran to him.

"I'm alive" mason said and we smiled

"Yeah thank moon goddess" I said and he smiled

"Where is malia" he said I grabbed Damien and masons hand and we zipped back to silver creek. When we got to the cabin malia was no where to be seen.

"Where is malia" I said

"Mason!!!" Eve yelled and ran and hugged him so did his parents Jeremy and Sam.

"Sorry to break up the moment but malia where is she" I said

"She passed out when the mark appeared" Liam said and I nodded

We all sat down and waited for her to wake up. Minutes turned into hour a and hours turned into two days.

Chris Elijah lacey and them went back home leaving me Kai Cora Lucas Liam and Levi here. Morgan is staying of course because of Jeremy being the beta and all. I just am not sure about Liam.

We were sitting downstairs in malia and masons cabin waiting still. Then we heard footsteps running down the stairs. It was malia. About damn time.

Malia ran to him and tackled him and hugged him. I smiled at how happy she was. I'm glad he's back she deserves to be happy.

"Malia" mason said

"Yes" malia said

"You're crushing my ribs with your knee" he said and groaned

"Oh sorry" malia said and got up.

"How long have I been asleep" malia said

"Two days" i said

"What the hell why" malia said

"When the mark reappears it can either overwhelm your body so much you black out or it can make you faint." I said

"Okay then how did mason wake up" malia said

"The wolfsbane in masons body made the process go slower Ethan linked me when he found out that's how we knew we had to wait a bit for him to wake up after about 4 hours he finally shot out of the coffin" I said

"Okay and um not to be rude but when are you guys going back home it's been longer than a week I'm sure your pack needs you" malia said

"Me Lucas and Levi will leave today I'm not sure if Liam will come considering that eve is here and she just got her brother back" i said

"She is my beta she can't leave either way" malia said

"Its okay mom I'm gonna stay Levi deserves to be alpha" Liam said and smiled

"Really" Levi said and smiled

"Yeah you want it more than I do" Liam said

"Alright then Lucas Levi Kai and Cora  let's hit the road we need to get back asap" I said and we left their cabin to go pack our bags.

We got to our cabin and packed all the bags we brought except for Morgan and liams suitcase.

"You ready to go home" Kai said and smiled

"I'm always ready to go home it's where I have the people I love" I said and smiled

"Now you have two homes then" Kai said

"Silver creek is definitely a second home since two of my pups are here but kenakki will always be my real home" I said and smiled

"Of course mom" he said and smiled

"I will never get used to that" I said and he chuckled

"Its like what you said Allison mom will always be my real mom but my second mom will always be there for me not that I mean it in a mean way but it's the truth. I miss her but I think this is how it's supposed to be and I'm glad your my mom" he said and I smiled and hugged him.

We said goodbye to every one here and then went back home. I'm going to miss this place but home is where I belong. I can always visit.

As long as my pups are safe there is nothing that won't keep a smile on my face.

Sadlyyyy this is the end of the cross over. If you want to read how Liam and Morgan turn out tune into "Alone"!!!


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