Chapter 16

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Allison's pov

I told Lucas what happened and we got Dom Evan and melanie to a secret place and we set up the meeting with every alpha on the list and they were coming in tomorrow afternoon and of course the Luna and the beta would come and possibly their mate too. 

"Allison your not going to Nevada alone" Lucas said

"I won't but this is a job for me your gonna deal with the alphas tomorrow me Jane Maria precious Paul Stephan Eli nick Georgie and joe are coming with me and I have some other people going too but you don't know them" I said and he looked at me he knew I wasn't gonna give up if we needed to get this done we needed to get it done fast which means he stays gets the people on the list to safety and me and the guys go to Nevada.

"Fine how long" he said

"Two to three weeks" I said and he widened his eyes

"No" he said

"You realize we need to find him first figure out what he's doing then kill him or do something with him it's not gonna happen in three days" I said

"I SAID NO!" he yelled and that voice. That voice was the alpha voice. My wolf was offended. Hurt.

"I am going I do not need your permission" I said and I flashed my eyes and he growled

"Pretty sure I had you on your ass the fire time we fought wanna try it again" I said and crossed my arms

"Fine go get ready and pack I'll get the tickets for you and them" he said and I smiled in victory. I needed to call my school. We have missed so much school I'm pretty sure were kicked out.

Principal- Hello Woodridge high principal parks speaking

Me- principal parks miss me much

Principal- Allison Stone long time haven't seen your friends around either.

They still had my name under stone because I can't just change it to Quinn plus I'm graduating next year so I'll change it then.

Me- yeah um we have all been really busy were gonna be gone for maybe another month I wanted to tell you that way you didn't worry about us but if you want assurance were okay then you can call our parents

Principal- thanks for the heads up but you have one month after that if you miss one day of school your gonna be kicked out

Me-i understand


I hung up and sighed I texted everyone to pack and they all replied with an 'okay' or a 'alright' or a 'Fuck yes let's get this bastard' that being Paul I laughed and I packed my bag and Lucas came in and put his arms around me.

"We haven't really had time to ourselves in going crazy my wolf is going crazy" he said

"So is mine but you know she has the dragon in there with her so you know she's not really lonely but you know still" I said and he laughed and kissed my crown.

"Please be careful ally" he said

"I promise no one is gonna die there were all coming back" I said and he nodded and hugged me we layed down and cuddled together. I wish it was back to normal and hopefully we can go back to school after before the month is over. I wanted this to end. I wanted to be happy and not worry. Not worry about someone killing or putting a bullet in Lucas's, my friends, or my family's head. Malakai is with my parents in hiding I didn't want him out I didn't want him hurt. He turns four in a few months. I wonder what it's gonna be like when I have pups. I looked up at Lucas.

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