Chapter 31

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Allison's pov


"No please! Don't kill them!" I cried

"YOU KILLED MINE I WILL KILL YOURS!" she yelled and she slit his throat and I screamed and I couldn't move because I was being held back. I saw the life leave his eyes.

"Now on to your precious brothers" she said and slit their throats and I screamed again then she killed both my parents then all my friends and Lisa Leah mav nick and Mel's parents even Lucas's parents Evan and Alex. Chris and Jasmine too. Everyone I lost all of them. I saw them all die and I couldn't do anything I failed them.

*dream over*

I shot up and screamed and everyone ran in and Martin came by my side.

"Baby come here" Lucas said and hugged me

"Show me" he said and I shook my head

"Baby please" he said and he held me and I opened up my mind to him. When I showed him everything he had tears in his eyes.

"Baby that's not gonna happen" he said and he hugged me and I cried.

"Let me talk to her" Martin said and everyone nodded and walked out.

"Pal look at me" he said and his eyes glowed a bright blue and I felt mine glow into a bright red then I saw images. Images of what happened to Tamara. How he ran. How he saw everyone die around him. It was horrible. Then it stopped and I looked at him.

"I lost everyone I loved Allison and I promise i will not let that happen to you" he said

"You know what I dreamed of" I said and he nodded

"Dragons know especially if they have practice Allison your gonna get more dangerous your letting your dragon control you and when it does you need to breathe come on look I'll show yoh" he said and he got up and I followed him and we went outside.

"Okay you ready" he said and I nodded and he punched me and I fell and everyone came outside.

"What the hell!" I yelled

"Come on Allison get angry think about kai" he said and I growled and I tackled him. I growled and he threw me off. I got up and I looked at him.

"Think about the rogues and how they could be hurting him Allison" he said I felt my chest start to vibrate with a growl following after that.

"You feel that girl" he said

"You feel that anger control it" he said

"You feel the anger pulsing through your veins the energy going through your body" he said and I growled

"The dragon is controlling you girl you need to breathe smell everything smell the grass smell the bark smell everything" he said and I looked around.

"Focus" he said i closed my eyes and I smelled and I focused. I smelled the grass the bark on the trees and I just breathed. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"There you go" he said and smiled and he walked to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Just trust yourself yes you may work with the dragon but you still have to unlock alot of secrets that come with it secrets I haven't even unlocked yet" he said and I nodded we went back inside and went to the kitchen.

"I'm supposed to be partying and having fun but I'm here and I just no matter what I can't get a normal life" I said and he looked at me and gave me a wine glass and got one for himself.

"What's this for" I said and he smiled

"Montoya Cabernet best wine I know" he said and poured a glass for me and for him and I looked at him.

"I'm 18" I said

"Didn't stop you from taking body shots now did it" he said and smirked

"Oh god you saw that" I said and he chuckled

"Yeah now drink it helps alot I promise" he said I sniffed it and it smelled good. I drank some and the sweet liquid went down my throat smoothly.

"Its good" I said and he nodded

"Told you it's the best" he said and I smiled

"Do you remember" I said and he looked at me.

"Remember what?" He said

"The other side" I said and he looked at his wine and swirled it.

"Parts of it like it was a dream I woke up from I don't remember everything that happened over there because some of that stuff is stuff that stays secret and it's the moon goddess's deep dark secrets you would have to write it down and bring it over if you had to remember but it's dangerous in the wrong hands" he said and smiled

"So you didn't write anything down" I said and he smiled

"You did" I said and put the wine glass down.

"I did but only the stuff I needed for the dragon but also some stuff that is meant to stay away from people who arent" he said and looked at me.

"I'll hand you the book when your ready" he said and I nodded

"Do you think we will find him" I said and looked at him

"We will find him ally" he said and i nodded and we finished our wine and I went upstairs and Lucas was laying down and i smiled and layed next to him.

"Hey beautiful" he said and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry for earlier you shouldn't have seen me like that and I just lost control and lately I've just been a bitch to you and everyone and I am so sorry" I said and he nodded

"I understand ally but I don't want you to feel like we can't talk" he said and I nodded and he planted a kiss on my crown and I cuddled with him and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes eggs and bacon and I got up and went downstairs. To my surprise I saw Ethan and Mack.

"Mimosa?" Ethan said and smiled

"Sure" I said and smiled and he handed me a glass and poured me one and I smiled.

"Your in a good mood" Mack said

"So don't ruin it" I said and smiled

"Where is everyone?" I asked

"Out doing stuff while me you and Mack have a day together" Ethan said and I looked at him.

"Ethan you know kai is still out there how could you even say that" I said and looked at him.

"That's were everyone is they are out looking for him now suck it up eat your breakfast then we are going out to the town and then we are gonna eat and then come home" Ethan said and I looked down.

"You haven't had a nice smile on your face ally and we haven't really been close lately with everything going on we miss our little wolf" he said and poured and I got up and hugged him.

"You two will always be my favorite vamps" I said

"You will always be our little wolf" he said and I smiled. I ate my food then headed upstairs and took a shower.

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