Chapter 18

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Allison's pov

I woke up and it was 9 am I looked at my phone and I had 3 messages all from Lucas.

Lucas- hey beautiful how is it?

Lucas- Evan melanie Dom your parents and Lisa are doing okay but they are wondering how you are


Me-sorry I was sleeping were okay I'm okay I got the people I told you about to help.

Lucas- and who are these people?

Me-gtg breakfast is here

Lucas- Allison Angeline Jones you tell me this instant or I will go over there and directly meet them

Me-lucas I can't tell you who they are because no one but Parker and my parents know them okay so please just drop it im fine


After that I ordered room service for breakfast for all of us. My phone dinged twice and I went to it.

Elijah- up for a party

Me-were supposed to be working.???

Elijah-guess you don't wanna go because the host is William Davidson and I got some information on him me and lacey started at 8 this morning when she got here mind if we come over in like an hour?

Me-yeah I'll tell everyone

I put my phone down and jumped on everyone's bed

"Rise and shine wake up knuckle heads wake upp!" I yelled and they all groaned

"Come on" I said then there was a knock at the door and it was room service. I let them in and they set everything down and left.

"Really cause I got waffles bacon eggs and sausage" I said

"YOU HAD ME AT WAFFLES" Joe jumped up then everyone jumped up and we started to eat.

"Okay I know it's two hours earlier than expected but Elijah and lacey started at 8 and got alot if information they are coming in about 30 minutes" i said

"Oh reminds me did you guys up for a party" I said and they looked at me

"William is hosting" I said and they smiled

"Then hell yeah" Maria said after we finished eating we took showers and got dressed and by the time we finished Elijah and lacey got here.

"Come in" I said and smiled they walked in and lacey hugged me so tight I saw red dots.

"Lacey just cause I'm a supernatural person doesn't mean I don't need air" I said and she let go

"Sorry I just missed you so much!" She said and smiled lacey is really out going and nice she's really cheery when she's not trying to kill someone.

"Elijah lacey meet Joe Paul precious Stephan Jane Jessica Georgie and nick" I said

"Nice to meet you" Elijah said and smiled

"Hiyaaaa" lacey said and smiled and everyone waved

"So the information" I said

"Right where can we set up" lacey said

"Where ever there is space" I said and they nodded it took them about 10 minutes to set up then we all sat down around them.

"Alright meet William Davidson" Elijah said

A picture popped up of a guy about maybe in his 30s

"William is 32 no kids but he has a late wife" lacey said

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