Chapter 49

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Allison's pov

I woke up next to kai. I smiled and got up to feed Liam and Levi. I held them both in my lap and I smiled as I held the bottles.

"I wish you could meet your grandma and grandpa when you were a bit older. Call him pop pop because he loved being called that and grandma you would call her grandma because she loved being called that she was so happy to see you both. The excitement in her eyes the happiness in them." I said and smiled Lucas walked into the nursery and I smiled.

"Hey beautiful" he said

"Hey" I said I looked back at the boys and my wolf got closer. She wanted to rub her scent on them. So did Lucas's wolf.

"Want to" I said and he smiled and nodded we stripped down to our underwear and I layed Levi and Liam on the floor with pillows under them. Lucas and I shifted into our wolves and let our wolves meet their pups. They rubbed their scent on them and my wolf got Liam and layed around him. Lucas did the same but with Levi.

'Can you still believe we are parents' he said

'I can we wanted this and I'm so happy that we finally have it' I said

'Me too come on I hear kai waking up" he said

We shifted back and put our clothes on and put Levi and Liam in their cribs and I went back to kai and he sat up.

"Sorry bud I went to go check on Levi and liam" I said and he nodded I layed back down with him and he hugged me tight.

"What is this for" I said

"Because you are like my second mom even though your my sister" he said and I smiled. I always felt like kai was a pup of mine I protected him like I was his mom but I wasn't. I was his sister.

"Kai" I said

"Yes" he said

"I love you" I said

"I love you too ally" he said

'Parker' I linked him

'you okay?' He said

'Yes but I wanted to ask something' I said

'Ask' he said

'What if I became kai's mom. Like through the oath I can make him my pup Parker. I've always treated him like one. I've always protected him like he was. Do you think I should?' I said

'Mom and dad always saw that. Mom always said you protect him like he's got own. Like when he was taken. Yes mom and dad cared but you were on a whole other level of protection not that they weren't going crazy cause they were but you killed alot of rogues. They said ever since he was born you protected him. They would want that ally just make sure he wants that." Parker said

"But what would everyone think?" I said

"Does it matter? You've always been like a mom to him. You've always been ready for pups that's why I know your gonna do a great job at being a mother ally" he said and I smiled

'Thanks Parker' I said

'Anytime' he said

I looked at kai and smiled.

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