Chapter 57

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Allison's pov

"That's the plan" Marcus said and I nodded

"For malia to surrender" eve said

"Yes" I said

"I'll do it" Malia said

"But I need to wait until-" she was cut off by a tell escaping her mouth.

Malia growled in pain and ran outside.

"Give him first" Malia said

"Malia" I said

"No call off the plan Allison stay back" Malia said and i nodded and held everyone back. It was time to put this plan into place.

"Bring him" Anna said and I saw two guys bring mason out he was bloody and beaten. I didn't even know him that much but it made me want to kill all of them for hurting him. Malia ran to him as they uncuffed him.

"Baby baby it's me" malia said

"Malia" Mason said with a raspy voice.

"Your gonna be okay I promise I love you" malia said me Elijah and eve carries mason inside and I went back outside while they took care of him.

"Let's go" malia said

"Why the change of heart" Anna said

"My Mate is the most important thing in my life before we met I still felt Alone inside he filled it up with so much joy and happiness and then we found my parents" malia  said and smiled

"I would protect my pack and the people I love and hold nearest and dearest to my heart" malia said

"So that's why I changed my mind so let's go before I change my mind and let Allison rip your heart out with just a blink of an eye" malia said and smiled

Malia started to walk with them and turned back.

"I'll be back" malia mouthed and smiled

"I love you" malia said and we cried and smiled.

When she left we made sure mason got cleaned and sowed up by the pack doctor and got rest.

"They did a real number on him but he will be okay in a few days he need a lot of rest fluids and food into his system he's dehydrated so I put him on an ivy. When the bag runs out he should be better it's moveable so if he wakes up and needs to use the restroom he can take it. Some of the cuts will leave scars" the pack doctor said and I nodded

"As long as he will be okay" eve said and smiled

"If any pain give him some pain killers" she said and mason and Eve's parents nodded and I walked outside with Lucas.

"Do you feel like we did the right thing letting her go and surrender" Lucas said

"I may not have known malia for a long time but I see myself in her she needs to be trained but she is one hell of a fighter she's noble and brave she's not afraid to die if it means the people she loves live. I respect her and I know that letting her surrender and go that she's got it from there" I said and he smiled

"Mom" Morgan said and walked out.

"Yes morgan" I said

"Something is wrong" she said

"What do you mean" I said

"You don't smell that" she said and I smelled the air and i looked at Lucas.

"Get the pack doctor back here now" I said I ran to mason and listen to his heart beat and it was getting slower.

"Hey hey hey mason no your not leaving your not dying on us your not leaving malia! Your not leaving your family" I said and his parents and eve ran in.

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