Chapter 21

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Allison's pov *1 week later*

"So that's it that's the plan we go in there blend in with everyone working and me Jane Paul and Eli go into the meeting as these people that he's gonna tell his plans to" I said and elijah nodded.

Okay let's catch up for a week we have been tracking Williams every move from before he "committed suicide in his home" and he has been having his eye on four people so the plan is Paul Stephan Joe and precious are gonna take them cut their connections and me Jane Paul and Eli are gonna go in as them good thing is William is the only one who saw these four people's faces so it could be anyone's so we took this chance now since someone else is holding the meeting which is the last person that knows about this. He set up a meeting to tell them his plans so that's what we're going in for. We're gonna walk out of the meeting alive but I don't think he will.

As for Lucas I haven't talked to him since that night. I cut him off the link the calls the messages I haven't said one word. I look like shit but that's why they invented make up so you can't see the bags under my eyes from no sleep. The puffy eyes from crying myself to sleep. The mate bond is like a string holding on.

Anyways enough of that I out on a maroon shirt and a black pencil skirt and some maroon pumps. Jane put on a beige pencil skirt with a blue loose shirt that she tucked in. She put on some blue pumps that matched the shirt and precious did her make up while lacey did mine. While they did our make up Maria did my hair and Georgie did Jane's.

When they finished everything we put the ear pieces and cameras on and Elijah and lacey drove us there.

"Okay if any thing goes wrong just kill them" lacey said and we laughed

"On the real part you just get out of there fast your killing him not killing the president" Elijah said and we nodded we got out of the van and walked into the building. Elijah made the fake ID cards and we got in easily. We got to the confrence room without any problems.

"Okay guys it's not hard to kill someone considering what we are so you'll be okay" lacey said

"So what about the four people did they know or" Paul said

"No they just knew he was working on a project were gonna burn all the evidence so no one will ever know" Elijah said and we nodded

The guy walked into the room and we smiled.

"Hello my name is Angelo Anderson" he said and he sat in his chair.

He went on about the plans and I was honestly bored his plans would've failed even if he tried he had no rogues to go off on he was gonna send in humans. They wouldn't even last a second.

"Okay I'm tired of this can someone just rip out his tongue already" I said and everyone looked at me

"What no takers fine" I said I got up and I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him down on the floor I reached my hand in his mouth and ripped out his tongue and he screamed. I covered his mouth and I looked into his eyes and they dialated.

"Your not gonna move your not gonna speak" I said I reached into his chest and pulled out his heart. The whole time I imagined Stacy as him. I stood up and they looked at me.

"I've been dying to kill someone" I said

"Your about to kill alot more" Elijah said

"Finally some fun around here" I said I opened the doors and I saw guards coming from down the hall I grabbed one and threw him over the railing another one grabbed my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and ripped it off and he yelled. Another guard cane towards me and I ripped his heart out. My eyes were glowing and my fangs were dripping from the venom. Another guard came and I tackled and bit into his neck and he layed there and bled out. Four more guards came and I froze them. Then I saw one last guard come and I saw nothing but Stacy I jumped on him and I ripped his head off. I got up off the floor and I turned around and I saw jane Eli and Paul look at me. I threw the head over the railing and I wiped the blood off my hands onto my skirt and looked at them.

"What" I said

"Allison you killed about 9 or 10 guards so fast we didn't even have time to help" Jane said

"Okay and" I said and crossed my arms

"Allison all week you have been lashing out and you just ripped out hearts and a head even a damn hand! Did you even stop to think about their families we came to kill one person imagine what people have to tell their families that they died!" Paul said and my blood boiled.

"WHEN YOUR MATE CMHAS SEX WITH SOMEONE ELSE THEN JUDGE ME UNTIL THEN DON'T FUCKING BOTHER!" I yelled I pushed passed them and went to the restroom before more guards could come I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw a sight I didn't want to see. I had blood all over my face. All on my arms and I washed it off and I went out and went back to the van before anyone noticed the people were dead.

The van was quiet. No one said a word. They were right. I killed innocent people who had families. I became someone I never wanted to be. We all got to the hotel and packed. We were going home. The people came out of hiding but Paul told us Joan is in the cells. I was scared to go back home. That means I had to face the one person I didn't want to face.

We were on the plane and I was next to Joe again.

"Allison" Joe said and I looked at him

"Mm" I said

"I know Lucas is my friend and all but I'm yours too and what he did was wrong just know I'm here for you" he said and I smiled and I gave him a hug.

"Thank you" i said

We landed and the cars picked us up and I got dropped off at yellow stone because I didn't want to be at kenakki. I needed Lisa and Leah. Melanie too but she's with Evan and I can't be near anyone who's probably with Lucas. I walked into the pack house and went up to Parker and Leahs room. Leah opened the door and she looked at me.

"Hey your back-allison what's wrong" she said she didn't know. Which means Lucas didn't tell anyone. The only people that knew were with me. I started to cry and she hugged me and Parker ran over.

"Baby sis what is it" Parker said

"He cheated and I killed innocent people" I said and cried Leah and Parker took me into the room and I explained everything to them and Parker was angry.

"HE-OH MY GOD I'M GONNA KILL HIM" Parker growled.

"Hey calm down" Leah said she rubbed Parkers arm and it reminded me of Lucas. I ran out of the room and ran to the safe house. I walked in and I saw Mack and Ethan. Great more mates..

"Allison what's wrong" Ethan said

I started to breathe heavy and I started to get angry. I knew I was gonna start lashing out and I needed to be held down.

"Ethan Mack please hold me down and don't let me go" I growled my eyes started to glow and they zipped over and held me down and I roared out. I was in pain. It hurt everything hurt. I killed people who did nothing wrong. Lucas cheated on me I was messed up. Soon everything went black..

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