Chapter 15

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Allison's pov *2 months later*

I walked into my office and I sat down. Yes me and Lucas have different offices because all the work didn't fit in his so we used another office and I made it mine. These past two months have been peaceful mom dad and malakai visit as much as they can. Malakai is getting so big. Parker and Leah came out thank God Leah became Luna and they actually make a great team. Me and Lucas are great. Although We have been distant it's cause of work he doesn't come home till like 6 am. Plus this Pack stuff and school it gets kind of hard. Anyways moving on I sat at my dest and started to go through the work when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in" I said and they slowly opened the door i didn't see who it was I was still looking down at my work.

"Ally..." I heard it was Mel I looked up and I saw her crying

"Mel what's wrong come in shut the door" i said she closed the door and saw down.

"Ally you need to promise you won't go crazy" she said and i nodded

"Lisa and your parents were home and they were talking about you and Lucas and um rogues attacked the house.." she said trailing off

"Melanie tell me now" I said

"Its Lisa ally...shes...shes gone...she died protecting your parents..." she said and my whole world stopped. Lisa. My bestfriend since birth lisa..i ran out of the office and everyone looked at me weird I jumped out side shifting into the dragon and flew to yellow stone. When I landed at the pack house my parents came out and set down a shirt and shorts and I shifted back and put the clothes on.

"Please please mom tell me that she isn't gone!" I said and I looked at dad

"Pop please..." my voice cracked I heard yelling and screaming and I knew it was mav. I ran towards him and his wolf was close.

"Hey hey mavrick stop calm down" i said and I hugged him and he just cried and I cried too. My bestfriend. Mavricks mate. I lost my bestfriend.

We stayed there for an hour just crying. I finally pulled away and we looked at each other.

"You don't go rogue you don't die do you understand me I cannot lose you too" I said

"You promise me too" he said and i nodded then I saw Mari and Jack arrive. I knew they didn't know because they looked confused.

"I'll tell them" i said to mav and he nodded I walked up to Mari and Jack and they looked at me.

"Allison what's going on" Jack said

"Its lisa" I said the look in Mari's eyes I knew she knew what I was gonna say.

"Her and my parents were at home and rogues attacked she died protecting them.." I said and Mari fell to her knees and screamed and Jack hugged her. I could see Jack wanting to go crazy. But he held it together. Not for him but for Mari she needed him. So he kept it together.

'Allison where are you' Lucas said

'Lisa..shes...shes gone..she died protecting my at yellow stone right now I'll be home later okay please just get to melanie and Evan I know Mel will need it..' I said

"Let's go inside" I said and they nodded Mari got up and she gave Jack a look to go inside and he did. Mari looked at me and I saw nothing but pure pain in her eyes.

"I want you to know I don't blame you I don't Allison I love you like you are another one of my pups and I don't know how your feeling right now but I want you to know I will always be here..i just can't believe she is gone.." she said and she started to cry again and I hugged her and I cried too

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