Chapter 24

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Allison's pov

I walked to 3rd period and sat down. Yes you heard it we are back in school and honestly I'm glad to get back to my normal life.

"Well welcome back ms. Stone" the teacher said and I smiled

"Good to be back I guess" I said and she nodded and started the lesson. I reached into my bag and realized I didn't have a pencil.

"Need this?" I heard and I turned around and saw this guy he had tattoos all up his arms a septum piercing and I think he had gage piercings on his ear he had brown hair and brown eyes. Wasn't bad looking but I mean honestly I felt nothing.

"Thanks" I said and took the pencil

"Not like I need it" he said and chuckled

"Why's that" I said

"Does it look like I do work" he said and smirked

"Guess not I'm Allison but people call me ally" I said

"I'm Damien but people call me Damien" he said and I chuckled

"Are we interuppting you ms stone and mr waters" the teacher said and I turned around.

"No-" I was cut off by Damien

"Acutally yeah we were talking and you interuppted us" he said and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Well you can talk in detention" she said and crossed her arms.

"No i-" she cut me off

"Save it Ms stone" she said and I sighed and crossed my arms.

'First day back and some dumb ass gets me in trouble I got detention!' I said into the link with everyone.

'Who the hell!' Jane said

'Some guy named Damien' I said

'A GUY!?!' Lucas growled over the link

'Oh brother you shouldn't be jealous about anything considering what you have done' Evan said and I held back a laugh

'Damn you want some ice for that burn' Joe said and laughed

'Classic Joe classic' Paul said

'But what now ally your supposed to take me and Lucas some where after school' Evan said

'Lucas knows where it is you guys just have to be careful y'all are big boys and can handle it' I said

'Awe are the little brothers scared to do things on their own' Stephan said and chuckled

'Shut your trap Stephan we all know you are whipped Jessica has you by the balls so I wouldn't talk' Evan said

I realized I was laughing out loud and everyone looked at me.

"Um I remembered something funny" I said the bell rang thank God. I got up and walked out of class when someone grabbed my wrist and I turned around and it was Damien.

"You looked like you had a conversation in your head" he said and I looked at him I tried to smell him but all I smelled was human.

"Um I don't know what your talking about" I said

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