Chapter 14

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Allison's pov

I grabbed the dress out of the bag and it was beautiful. It was a long white dress with lace on the breast. I put it on and I looked at myself in the morning and I smiled.

"Looks like your finally gonna get what you wanted" I heard I turned around and I saw Chris...wait chris?!

"Chris! Wha-how are you here!" I said

"Can't say but hey I'm here" Chris said and I tried to hug him but I went right through.

"Yeah I can't touch you sorry" he said

"Its fine I'm just glad your here" I said and smiled

"You look beautiful" he said

"Thank you" i said and smiled

"Tamara Martin and Alex say hi and Alex said you look great" he said

"Well tell them i say hi and thank you alex" I said and he smiled

"Hey I know they are my parents and I shouldn't say this but you better fucking rip their heads off" he said and I laughed

"You got it just be ready so when they gone you can give them an ass whooping." I said and he laughed

"See you later?" He said and i nodded then he started to slowly face until he was gone. I heard music start downstairs and I knew it was my signal to go. I walked outside the room and went down the stairs to the pack lounge. Everyone was in there. I looked down and I saw Lucas looking at me like I was a snack and I smiled. When I got to his side he stared at me for a bit till Paul hit his head snapping him out of it and everyone laughed.

"You look um you look breath taking" he said and I blushed and everyone 'awed' we all talked for a bit had some food and danced. When it was almost midnight kurk and willow came in and got everyone's attention.

"We have something to say" kurk said and Lucas looked at me confused

"A little compelling to tell the truth never hurt" I said and he widened his eyes.

"Our names are not mark and Amelia jones...its kurk and willow we slowly started to change things around here 13 years ago we killed our own son and daughter Chris and Jasmine" kurk said I looked at melanie and she was crying. He was like a brother to me Lisa Leah and Mel we always loved being around him. Nick was angry Chris was always there for him. Always to play games or help him with something.

"We worked with Rick the vampire ancient and we took our place as the alpha and the Luna and everything we have ever said was a lie we compelled every one here even the warriors." Kurk said

"Lucas still isn't even the alpha i am. The oath he took was fake" kurk said and everyone gasped and mumbled.

"I killed Lucas's and Evans real parents and his older sister Alex we slit their throat and took their spot as alpha and Luna and didn't care about what we did" kurk said some people were crying Evan and Lucas were angry. I was angry. Everyone turned to me and Lucas and bowed.

"We don't follow them anymore we follow you" I heard and someone stepped forward and grabbed a knife and sliced his hand

"I, Jackson White, pledge my allegiance to you" he said then soon everyone did it

"Its time for the real ceremony to start everyone please head out side and we will go to the oath bolder" Evan said and everyone went outside leaving me Lucas Evan Mel Jane Jessica Maria precious Ellie Dom Eli Paul Stephan and joe with willow and kurk

"YOU KILLED OUR DAMN BESTFRIEND!" Mel yelled Evan was holding her back from killing them. Mel may be small but she sure has learned to hold her own.

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