Chapter 44

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Allison's pov *4 months later*

I looked at my watermelon for a stomach and smiled.

"Any day boys can it be today because your killing me" I said and chuckled

After a few minutes they kicked and I smiled.

"I wish you guys were here already" I said and smiled.

"Hey beautiful" lucas said and smiled

"Hey" I said and smiled

"How are you feeling" he said

"Good they kicked though" I said and smiled

"They did" he said and smiled and he put his hands on my stomach and they kicked again.

"Dang they are so strong" he said and chuckled.

We talked for a bit then I started getting this pain in my stomach.

"Ow" I said and I grabbed Lucas's hand and squeezed it.

"Ouch don't squeeze my hand off" he said

"Sorry just felt a sharp pain" I said and he looked at me.

"A contraction?" He said and I shrugged he set the stopwatch and I looked at him.

"Parker told me a thing or two" he said and I nodded

After about four minutes I felt another pain.

"That was four minutes apart come on let's get you to the pack hospital" he said when I got up I felt a liquid go down my legs.

"Lucas" I said and looked down.

"What is it" he said

"My water broke" I said

"Shit let's go now" he said and we walked downstairs and Mel screamed. In joy of course.

"EVAN ALLISON'S WATER BROKE!" Mel yelled a few seconds later we heard a bang and I turned around to see Evan on the floor.

"I ran a little too fast" he said and got up and I chuckled

"Lets get her in the car" Mel said and and I nodded we got in the car and drive to the pack hospital. We had a car set up there just incase my water broke so we didn't have to walk there or anything like that.

We got to the hospital and we got our room and I changed into the gown and layed down.

After a few minutes I was in pain I was trying to walk around to walk it off but it kept coming back.

"Allison lay down" Lucas said

"Shut up" I growled

"Allison your hurting" he said and I growled louder.

"I said shut up" I said and he sat down and shook his head.

"Shut it" I said and he chuckled

"I come baring epidural" the doctor said

"Give it" I said she patted a spot on the bed and I sat down and she moved the gown from my back. Then I felt a pain in my back and growled. Then I felt so much better.

"Better?" The doctor said and I nodded

"Thank you" i said and she nodded

"Lay back so I can check the centimeters" she said and I nodded then layed back down and she checked.

"4 centimeters lay back and get some rest for now" she said and I nodded Lucas came to my side and I looked at him.

"A heard a damn herd of children I swear I hate myself for agreeing to that" I said and he laughed

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