Chapter 41

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Allison's pov *the day of the masquerade ball*

I woke up and got all the girls here to get ready. First we ate breakfast of course. Then we all partnered up and my partner was Lisa. She helped do my make up then she started on my hair when she finished I did her make up and her hair we waited for everyone to get finished. When they did we got dressed.

My dress was light pink and flowy. The heels were beautiful all the heels were from lacey. She has collected alot of shoes over the years especially heels. She gave me these beautiful heels they were light pink and had some design on it. They were gorgeous. When we got dressed and finished getting ready it was 6. The ball starts at 7. So now we are basically waiting for our parents and the guys to show up.

After a few minutes someone knocked at the door and I opened it.

"Hey Chris wow you clean up nice" I said and smiled

"Whoa" he said and looked at me.

"Oh you like it" I said and twirled and smiled

"You look amazing ally um the limos are here you guys ready?" He said and I nodded

"We are gonna get our masks and go" I said and he nodded we grabbed out masks and walked downstairs.

I looked for Lucas and when I finally found him he was sitting down with non other than Stacy. I walked over and he looked at me.

"She's the one that came and sat with me I didn't even know she was invited I didn't even talk to her I promise" he said and I looked at Stacy. I grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up.

"You should really thank the fact that I'm wearing a dress and don't wanna get blood on it" I growled

"Allison come on she isn't worth it" Martin said

"Not tonight ally" sonny said I walked outside and threw her on the ground.

"Your dead the next time I see you so you stay out of my sight as best as you fucking can because I will rip your head off" I said and she ran away. We all get in the limos and I sat next to Lucas.

"I'm sorry I am" he said and I looked at him.

"I believe you" I said and smiled

"Did I tell you that you look amazing tonight" he said and smiled

"Thank you" i said and smiled the car started moving and I felt my mouth start watering.

"Oh no STOP THE LIMO NOW" I yelled the guy slammed on the breaks and I got out. I bent over and threw up. I've been throwing up for days now but at random times. I get sick in the car. I have morning sickness sometimes. Then my eyes widened. No. I can't be. It's been a week and in this week me and Lucas actually talked about it and we decided to hold off on it. We wanted to wait because we still have alot of people who are still dangerous out there. Plus we have alot of work to do we can't get behind anymore.

"Are you okay" Lucas said

"Yeah just ate something bad" I said and he nodded I got back in the car and lacey gave me a piece of gum.

After about 20 minutes we got to the Mansion. The mansion is where they hold the ball. We all got off and put our masks on.

"You ready" Lisa said and smiled

"As ready as I'll ever be" I said and smiled we got to the doors and handed our invitations to them and walked in. It was really gorgeous. Glass chandilers candles it was just beautiful. I saw Victor and Amanda standing and talking to two other people.

"I'll be right back" I said and they nodded I walked over to victor and Amanda and smiled.

"Allison?" Amanda said and I nodded

"Wow you look beautiful" Amanda said

"Why thank you" I said and smiled

"So this is the lovely Allison we hear all about" a guy said

"Roland Allen" he said and held out his hand.

"Allison Quinn" I said

"Oh yeah we know that Victor talks about you all the time for the past two years he's said nothing but how much he's proud of you for keeping yourself in line after what happened to you and I am so sorry that did" he said

"All is good now" I said and smiled

"Rita Allen pleasure to meet you" she said

"Pleasure is all mine Its Not every day you meet an ancient" I said and smiled

"You are right" Rita said and chuckled

"Brothers sister where is this Allison girl" a guy said

"Allison quinn" Roland said and pointed to me.

"Oh my apologies I don't know how I could miss a beautiful women such as yourself" he said and grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Oh brother put your flirt away the girl has a mate" Victor said and I chuckled

"Does not mean I can't compliment her" he said

"You must be Nicholas Allen" I said

"Indeed" he said and smiled

"Care for a dance" he said and smiled

"Hey beautiful" I heard I turned around and I saw Lucas.

"I would love to dance" I said and smiled

"Lucas" I said and smiled i grabbed his hand and waved goodbye.

"Who was that" he said

"Victors brothers and sister" I said

"Ahhh let me guess Nicholas flirted" he said and chuckled.

"He tried but failed miserably" I said and chuckled. I started thinking about how I might be pregnant then I realized I could get a test.

"I'll be right back I need to talk to amanda" I said and he nodded I walked over to Amanda and pulled her away.

"Where are we going" she said

"Somewhere to talk privately" I said we walked out of the ball room and I walked into the restroom and made sure no one was in here.

"What's wrong" Amanda said

"I think I'm pregnant" I said she put her head next to my stomach and listened.

"I hear heart beats" she said

"Beats as in there's more than one" I said and looked at her.

"Allison there is three" she said

"Yours and two more" she said

"No I can't be pregnant I'm behind on work already Amanda I can't" I said

"Well I could be wrong let me get a test" she said she zipped out and a minute later she zipped in and gave me a test. I went into the restroom did the business and we waited.

"What are you gonna do if you are" she said

"I don't know I mean we wanted this but then we didn't because of all the work. But now I don't know amanda" I said

Lisa and the girls walked in and looked at us.

"What's going on" Jane said and I showed her the test. They all gasped and squealed.

"OMG ARE YOU!?" Ellie yelled

"I don't know yet" I said and looked at Amanda. After two more minutes the timer went off.

"Look" amanda said I grabbed the test and looked at it and it said........

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