Chapter 35

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Allison's pov *2 years later*

"Please don't do this" he cried I pushed my hand through his chest.

"Sorry you lost the will to beg when you disobeyed me" I said and I pulled out his hard and I cleaned the blood off with his shirt. I walked off and went into the bar.

"Scotch clean" I said

"You never did like it on the rocks" I heard I turned to my side and smirked

"Well I'll be damned" I said

"Virginia didn't know you would come here" he said

"I didn't think you would have the balls to come here either even if you knew I was here" I said

"What is everyone else here too you gonna tell me to come home and say I'm gonna get better I've been doing this for two years and I run this town you don't come into my town without me knowing which is why I killed that guy I knew the moment you stepped on this territory but I didn't think it would be you and I know your not alone so let me guess" i said and I grabbed my drink.

"Lisa Mel mavrick nick and Leah are here too" I said and smiled

"Three boys and three girls" I said and smiled

"Well looks like you have the perfect life" he said and I smiled

"A better life than when I was there Evan" I said I walked away and stopped.

"You leave my town tomorrow or I will personally get you out myself" I said

"You won't hurt us" he said and smiled

"Try me" I said and flashed my eyes and smiled. I walked away and got in the car and I let go of a breath I didn't know I had. Then my door was ripped off and I was thrown out.

"Threats aren't taken easily especially if it's family involved girl" he said and I looked at him.

"Well looks like I was wrong about who is here" I said and smiled and I got up.

"Hello martin" I said

"Girl you ran this town into the ground dead guy in the alley looks so amazing" he said

"He let you guys in disobeyed my orders" I said

"Who are you" he said and I walked to him

"Not that Allison anymore" I said and he grabbed my hand and flipped me and put his foot on my throat.

"Girl I'm older, stronger, faster so you don't have a chance against me" he said and I smiled i grabbed his foot and threw him off me I walked to him and grabbed his throat.

"You may be older but trust me Martin you don't know how fast or strong I am and I will rip your head off in two seconds if I wanted you and everyone better leave by tomorrow or so help me you won't live another day I helped bring you back but I can take your life easily" I said and I let him go and I got in my car and buckled myself in and I turned on the car then drove off.

I got to my house and I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and poured wine.

"I remember Martin is the one that told you about the wine" I heard a familiar voice I never wanted to hear again. I turned around and saw him.

"Leave now" I said

"Allison please I am so sorry for that night I am sorry I rejected you and for that you lost two years of your life at home kai he's six and stronger than anything we told him your gone but he thinks you died Allison Leahs baby she's one and she doesn't have you as her aunt yes she has everyone but not you your parents cry every night to how they lost you Parker hates himself because he thinks that if he could've seen it sooner her could be helped. Lisa cries everytime someone says your name Chris Elijah Jasmine Alex everyone there they cry because they lost you and for two years we have been looking and we found you and wanna know what we fucking heard allison" he said

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