Chapter 51

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Allison's pov *5 years later*

"LEVI CHRIS JONES YOU PUT THAT DOWN RIGHT NOW LIAM YOU TOO!" I yelled and they giggled and I groaned.

Let's catch up. During these five years they have been peaceful. I talk to my parents and so does kai and Parker. Kai is closer to shifting the full moon is tomorrow. Kai turned 13 a few weeks ago and ever since then his wolf has been scratching to come out. He's gotten in trouble more than I could count. Parker has another kid his name is Peter Leonardo Quinn cute thing he is. He's 4 years old he turned 4 a month ago. Me and Lucas had a daughter about a year after we had Liam and Levi. Her name is Morgan Amelia Jones and she's 4 of course she turned 4 last week. Evan and Mel are having a kid soon she's 5 months and going. Lisa and mav are also expecting Lisa is 8 months and looks ready to pop. Everyone else really haven't planned on having pups yet. Me and Lucas have a stronger bond than ever. The pups brought us closer than we ever were. Cora and kai have been spending so much time together. Kai likes her and Cora likes him but they are scared because it's rare for a vampire and a wolf to be mates. We're all hoping that they are. Landon found his mate her name is Rosie she's a nice girl.

"Mommy Liam scratched me" Morgan said

"LIAM WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT SCRATCHING!" I yelled and he looked at me and pouted

"She was being mean!" Liam whined

"Nah ah Liam scratched me because he took my dolly and I kicked him on the leg!" Morgan whined and I chuckled I swear they may be 5 and 4 but they are fighters.

"Fine Liam you leave Morgan alone or no more rides on the dragon Morgan you don't kick your brother you got it" I said and she nodded and so did Liam. Liam has to be so nice and quiet now he's a freaking Tasmanian devil! Levi turned out to be the nice and good pup he loves his sister they never fight not that Liam don't love Morgan because he does.

"Allison kai got in trouble at school" Chris said walking in and I sighed.

"Watch the pups I'll go get him" I said and he nodded I zipped to the pack school and walked into the office.

"What did you do now" I said

"Nothing mom he bullied cora!" Kai said and I looked at the other boy in the room and he had a bloody nose. Ouch. If your wondering when did kai start calling me mom he did it maybe a few months after we lit our parents pyres. The first time he said it, it was like..i don't even know how to explain it but I was shocked and happy about it.

"Luna kai has been acting out all week Brandon simply just called him a few names and kai beat him" the lady said and I crossed my arms. I knew Brandon was her pup and I know a mother's will to protect her pup but it doesn't mean it's the truth all the time. I'm not saying kai has never lied because he had but I know when he is lying and right now he isn't.

"Even if that is the case what makes you think it's okay for your son to provoke my son maybe if your son didn't say anything he wouldn't have a bloody nose" I said

"Sorry luna" she said I looked at the boy and I looked in his eyes and they dialated.

"Tell your mom the truth about what happened" I said

"I called Cora ugly and she shouldn't be here because she's a vampire and vampires don't belong in packs. That's what my dad said." He said and I looked at the lady.

"Maybe if your son was brought up right we wouldn't have this problem now you tell your husband he better fall in line or I will gladly tell him my way" I said and she nodded and took the boy away and I looked at kai.

"What did we say about controlling your wolf now I'm not saying you shouldn't protect Cora because it's the right thing to do but tomorrow is the full moon and your really close to letting your wolf out" I said and he nodded

"I understand" he said

"Come on I'll take you home so you can eat and go to sleep your gonna need your rest tomorrow" I said and he nodded I grabbed his hand and i zipped home.

We ate dinner and kai went to bed leaving me and Lucas up with our pups.

"So you ready to go see your uncle Ethan and Mack tomorrow?" I said and smiled and they all nodded fast and me and Lucas laughed.

"Mommy is kai gonna be okay when he shifts" Morgan said and I nodded

"Yes baby" I said and smiled

"Daddy is he gonna be the alpha when he's older" Levi said and I looked at Lucas.

"No kai doesn't want to be the alpha" Lucas said

"So then who's gonna be the alpha" Liam said

"I don't know yet boys You are both so strong" Lucas said and he wasn't wrong. Levi and Liam are strong but of course they have some Quinn blood in then mixed with Jones. They are so strong Liam and Levi tackled Lucas and Evan yesterday.

"Daddy are me and Liam gonna be like you and uncle evan?" Liam said

"Maybe don't know yet" Lucas said and smiled

"Come on bed time" I said and they groaned and I chuckled. We went upstairs and out tucked them into bed and went to our room.

"Well aren't they always bringing up those questions" Lucas said and I nodded

"Are you ready for Kai's shift tomorrow?" Lucas said and I sighed

"I don't know I mean I always thought you know he would shift and then we go down our trail and stuff and I mean we are but I'm not the one that was supposed to do that my parents were and it is just I'm not ready for it. I'm scared. My shift was horrible it hurt so bad like I wanted to die. I hate the first shift. Especially now that kai is my pup it's gonna hurt me just as much as it will when Levi and Liam shift" I said and he hugged me

"I know beautiful you just gotta be strong for him. His wolf just wants out. Kai is strong he can handle it" Lucas said and I nodded

"Get some rest" Lucas said and I sighed and nodded. After that I went straight to sleep.

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