Chapter 28

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Allison's pov *party*

I put on a white lace shirt with a black skirt and some black sandals and I put on the usual jewelry. I straightened my hair and split it in the middle I did a Smokey eye and put on a nude lipstick. Once I finished with everything I walked out and the girls squealed.

"You look amazing!" Jane said and smiled all the girls agreed and I smiled

"Well you girls don't look to bad yourselves" I said and they smiled we all walked down to the boys and they looked at Lucas had his mouth wide open.

"Joe check my pulse" Lucas said

"Why" he said

"So I can make sure I'm not dead yet" Lucas said and I blushed

"You look beautiful" lucas said and smiled

"You look good too" I said and smiled

"Well let's go party shall we" Chris said and smiled

"Your going?" I said

"I haven't been to a party in 4 years hell yeah I'm going" he said and i chuckled we filled up all the cars and drove there.

We got to the house and Oliver and his brother were greeting everyone in. We got to them and they smiled.

"Hey you made it!" Oliver said and smiled

"Yeah um this is my boyfriend lucas" I said and smiled

"Nice to meet you bro your pretty lucky" Oliver said

"Don't I know it" Lucas said and I blushed

"Well come in" Oliver said we all walked in and I smiled

"Ready to see the party allison" Lisa said and smiled

"You've been to a party" Lucas said

"Yes used to but I've never been drunk but I was very fun" i said and smiled

"Well I look forward to meeting her" Lucas said and I smiled i walked to the bar and got a drink.

"Allison stone that you" the bar guy said and I looked at him close

"Stevie!" I said and hugged him

"Haven't seen you at a party for a bit" he said and I smiled

"Well I'm back" I said and smiled

"Allison let's play a game" Chris said and smiled

"Hey can you bring on the shots" Chris said and he nodded

"First one to a pyramid of shots wins" he said and I smiled

"You are so on" I said and smiled

"Okay guys 10 shots per person first one done wins" Stevie said and he poured the shots and I smiled

"Go" he said me and Chris downed shot after shot and it burned my throat but I sucked it up and kept going. I downed the last shot and I put my arms up.

"Done" I said and smiled

"Well I'll be damned" Chris said he had one more shot left and I smiled.

"Oh no your gonna go up against the queen of this" Jane said and smiled

"You?" I said and she nodded

"Hell yeah another round please" Jane said and he poured another round.

"You sure you wanna do this" Jane said and I smiled

"Even if I don't imma do it until I win" I said and smiled

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