Chapter 48

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Allison's pov

"They killed my parents Jan they killed them and it's my fault and I watched them die" I cried and Jan hugged me.

"Allison you couldn't do anything" Bryan said

"I could've I have all this power and I felt so useless" I said

"Come on you need to let out your anger before you break it's not easy losing your parents" Jan said she grabbed my hand and took me out to the forest and stepped back.

"Go on let it out" she said

"I can't let it out on demand" I said

"Then think about it ally and let that shit out" she said

I started thinking about it and the images popped up in my mind. I felt the anger all over again. I felt the fire and the ice wanting to come out I felt my dragon get closer and I felt my wolf getting close as well. My whole body lit with fire and I roared. It was bigger than any one I've ever let out. It was more scary it had sadness in it. Hurt and pain but it was demanding and powerful too. When I let it all out the fire went away and I fell to my knees and cried.

"Allison. Do you even know what you just did" she said and I shook my head.

"You just made every single wolf in this Amazon bow to you and that means every alpha and every Luna as well. Even me. Look" she said I looked up and saw alot of wolves. Warriors alphas Lunas trackers and much more.

"Allison you have no idea what you are capable of yet but you damn sure are capable of alot and those boys of yours they are going to be the strongest wolves there" she said and I got up

"Your parents died Allison I get it I lost my parents as well and it must be hard seeing it but you killed the rogues and you got who killed them from what you told me and Bryan they wouldn't want to come back they want to find peace on the moon so let them" she said and I cried

"Let them go ally they want that" she said and she hugged me and I cried on her shoulder. When I stopped I looked st the wolves and they bowed in respect.

"Thank you" i said

"Get home get to your boys be there for kai don't leave them again Allison don't let it take over you again. Get through this not for you but for your pups" she said and smiled

"I will" I said she wiped my tears and I zipped home. It was 2 in the morning and when I got home everyone was still up. I walked in and they looked at me.

"Allison" Lucas said

"I'm okay I promise I let out what I needed to but I need to talk to my brother" I said and looked at Parker. He got up and we went outside.

"I know we can't bring them back and I know that they would want peace but I want to be selfish I want them back I don't want them to walk to the moon i don't want them gone Parker when I almost lost dad when you were away at camp I thought I was going to lose myself I thought I was going to go crazy mom was going crazy at the doctors but then a miracle happened he stayed alive. He met Lucas. He loved us more than anything. Me and dad were closer than I was with anyone but when I left it faded a bit but it was always strong. Now that I really lost him Parker I want to die. I want to die and walk to the moon with them. But I can't because I have friends I have you and kai I have Lucas I have Ethan and Mack and most importantly I have pups and I can't leave any of you" i cried and he hugged me.

"When mom said what she said through the link I went crazy I didn't know what she was talking about but then I felt her leave. I felt her wolf leave. I went insane they held me down as best as they could then dad said what he said and I knew I was gonna lose him. Not long after that he was gone too. Kai knew something was wrong he felt it he always does. The hardest part is going to be telling him Allison." He said and I looked at him.

"We can't keep it from him" he said

"I can't tell him it had to be you who does he actually has a better bond with you" he said and smiled

"Go" he said we walked inside and I went upstairs and opened the door to mine and Lucas's room and saw Ellie and kai sitting down playing and talking. Ellie looked up and she nodded and left the room.

"Hey kai" I said and smiled

"Why can't I feel mommy and daddy anymore" he said and I sat next to him and I cried. I felt so retarded crying in front of him. I stopped and wiped my tears and he hugged me.

"You know how mom and dad told you about the moon how when people pass away they walk to the moon and wait for their mates and if they have their mates then they wait for their pups if they have any?" I said and he nodded

"Well daddy and mommy love you very much and they never stopped for even a second and they never will and they will always be here but mommy and daddy went to the moon" i said and tears formed in his eyes. Then he full on broke down crying. I held him in my arms and cried with him. They will miss his first shift. They will miss him meeting his mate. They will miss him having pups. They will miss everything..

"I want them back ally I don't want them to be there" he said and cried

"Hey look at me" I said and he looked up at me.

"Your strong right?" I said and he nodded

"Remember what I told you when you were taken when you were 4 to be strong" I said and he nodded

"You thought I was dead when I was gone for two years and you got through it I know it's different because it's mom and dad but they would want you to be strong kai they would want me you and Parker to stick together and be happy" I said and tears fell down his face.

"Its up to you kai. You still have me and Parker. You will never lose us. I won't let that happen okay" I said and he nodded

"Would you like to stay with me and lucas" I said and he nodded

"Why can't I stay with Parker" he said

"Parker doesn't have enough room and me and Lucas got a new house you could live here with us if you want" i said

"Is it okay with Parker?" He said

'yes' Parker said through the link and I smiled

"He said yes" I said and smiled

"Okay then" he said

"Can we please just stay right here. I don't want you to leave right now" kai said and I nodded we got under the covers and I pulled him to my chest and we drifted to sleep.

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