Chapter 42

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Allison's pov

I wasn't pregnant. For some reason my heart broke. Yeah I still wanted pups but I mean it's for the best.

"What does it say" Leah said and smiled

"False alarm" I said and gave a fake chuckle.

"Oh sweetie" lacey said

"I'm fine" I said and I threw the test away and walked out.

"Why so glum." I heard I turned and saw Nicholas

"Not now I'm not in a mood" I said and he put his hand on my back.

"I am" he said and smiled i grabbed his hand and flipped him.

"And I said I'm nog so don't mess with me" I growled. I walked away. I decided to lush it aside and just have fun tonight. I found Lucas and danced with him for the rest of the night. It was everything I hoped for.

We left the party and had a little after party with just friends at the cabin. I went upstairs and I changed. I put on a crop top and a mint colored skirt. I grabbed some white flats and put them on then let my hair down. After I got dressed i went down stairs and I saw Lisa.

"Hey" she said and smiled

"Hi" I said and smiled

"You okay" she said

"I don't want to talk about it I just want to forget" I said and smiled and she nodded she started to walk away then she stopped and she looked back at me.

"What" I said

"Sh" she said and she put her ear to my stomach.

"Allison your pregnant" she said and widened her eyes.

"No the test said I'm not" I said

"Allison I hear your heart beat and two others" she said I zipped back to the mansion and went to the restroom and grabbed the test. I looked at it and it changed. I was pregnant. I was fucking pregnant. I zipped home and everyone looked at me.

"Hey guys" i said and put the test behind me.

"Where did you go" Lucas said and I smiled i handed him the test and he looked at it and he smiled ear to ear.

"Really?" He said and I smiled

"Really" I said

"I'm gonna be a dad" he said and smiled

"OMG YOUR PREGNANT!" Alex yelled

"WHAT!??!?!" Parker growled

"Oh shut up and sit" Leah said and Parker sat down and crossed his arms and pouted.

"I'M GONNA BE A GRANDMA" mom yelled

"You are a grandma!" Parker yelled and I chuckled

"Oh shush" mom said and smiled

"wait if I am that means" I sighed

"I'm having twins" I said

"What" Lucas said he put his nose near my stomach and sniffed

"Yeah it's twins and its.." he sniffed again

"Two boys" he said and I smiled

"Levi and Liam" I said and smiled

"Whatever you want beautiful" he said and smiled

"Levi and liam?" Joe said

"Levi Chris Jones and Liam Dominic Jones" i said and smiled

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