Chapter 52

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Allison's pov

We were up early packing the car with all the stuff we needed for tonight. Then we headed to yellow stone.

When we got there we started setting up everything. We put the ice bags in the deep freezer we had outside. We had an adrenaline shot just incase he needed it. We had a big blanket layed out. Then we had about 20 water bottles ready. Hydration helps alot since your gonna be sweating you can get dehydrated. So we had that then all we had to do was wait. When we finished it was about 3 in the afternoon.

"How are you feeling" I said

"He's itching to get out" kai said and I smiled and I hugged him

"Parker and Leah are coming so is Cora and landon" I said and smiled

"Can you sing to me" he said and I nodded we sat on his bed and I pulled him to me. He may be getting older but he was my little brother at heart and my pup. Weird I know but I'm always gonna see him as my pup and brother.

"I never said before I think I'm doing okay" I sang I ran my fingers through his hair and kept singing.

"Now that were here so far away" I sang and I felt his wolf try and reach to mine and my wolf calmed him down and told him to hold off. We stayed like that for a bit then I made him some food to get up his energy.

I looked at the clock and it was 7:45. I looked at kai and gave him a small smile.

"Did it start yet?" I heard I turned and saw Parker.

"Nope" I said and smiled when Parker and Leah got her so did Cora and landon. Lucas came downstairs with Evan and Mel and I smiled.

"How you feeling bud" Lucas said

"Its hot" kai said and we all looked at him.

"Let's get you changed" Lucas said they took him to the bathroom and changed him then we all went outside and he layed down and put his head on my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair as he started panting.

"Here drink this" I said and gave him a water bottle with a straw. He drank some and the pants slowed down.

After a couple hours passed by us pouring ice on him cooling him down. It was 10:13 and kai started groaning. Then I heard a bone crack and he screamed in pain and my wolf whined.

"Shhh" I said and calmed him down

"Don't fight it kai let it happen" I said then another bone cracked and he screamed again.

"It hurts mom it hurts" he cried

"Hey listen to me" I said and he looked at me

"Your strong you can do this now mom and dad are watching know that okay" I said and he nodded and another bone cracked. He screamed again and I gave him some water and he relaxed for a bit.

I heard another bone crack and it was his arm. It looked like it was deformed. He screamed in pain and he was scared.

"Mom wh-what i-i cant" he said between pants

"Kai don't look at it just let your wolf come out" I said and he cried and I grabbed a rag and wiped away his sweat and he looked at me.

"What time is it" he cried

"10:48" I said and he groaned his arm cracked again and he screamed.

"It hurts" he cried and Cora came over.

"Kai it's going to hurt just listen to your mom okay" Cora said and smiled

"You know know how this feels you don't have every bone in your body cracking cora" he growled and she looked down.

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