Chapter 4

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Allison's pic

Me and Lucas got all fixed up at the doctors and visited my dad as we were about to leave I saw kai and mom.

"Hey mom hey kai" I said and I picked up kai and he looked at Lucas.

"Who is he ally" he said and pointed to Lucas

"He's my mate his name is lucas" I said

"Hey bud" he said and smiled

"Hi luc-lucas" kai said and when he said it he said it like Lucass me and my mom burst out laughing

"You can call me luke bud" Lucas said and I chuckled

"Okay luke come here" he said and Lucas got closer

"You hurt my sissy imma rip you arm off" he said

"Kai!" I said

"No it's okay, you got it bud" Lucas said and chuckled kai went back with my mom and me and Lucas walked out.

"He's adorable" lucas said and chuckled

"He's a brat but I love that kid to death" I said and he smiled

"Let's go watch the other people spar" i said and he nodded we watched people sparring when I started to stare off into space thinking about the dream I had. What did it mean? Was it true? Am I gonna become this fire and ice dragon? What the hell am I gonna fucking do.?

"Beautiful?" I heard and looked at Lucas

"Hm" I said and he looked at me

"Sparring is over wanna go out to town I need to kind of get some clothes" he said and I nodded we got one of the pack cars and some cash for the stuff he needed

'Going out mom be back at around 7 or 8 love you' I mindlinked her

'Be safe sweetie' she said and we got mav Mel Leah Lisa and nick and took off mav and Lisa took there own car leaving me Lucas leah Mel and nick in another car. We got to the mall and went to all these different stores then ended up in the food court. We sat down and started to eat.

"So Lucas how do you like it so far the whole mate life" Leah said

"Amazing even though she kicked my ass" Lucas said and smiled nicks head shot up and his eyes flickered.

"Nick?" I said

"Mate" he whispered we all looked at him and he got up and he walked around looking for her when he ran into this girl and they looked at each other for a while then smiled at each other talked a bit and he invited her over.

"This is-" Lucas cut him off

"Georgie" Lucas said

"Lucas?" She said

"You know each other?" I said

"She's one of my friends from the kenakki pack" I said

"Stacy has been looking for you" Georgie said and rolled her eyes

"Who's stacy" I said

"Some girl that likes me and keeps on freaken kissing me thinking I'm gonna make her the luna" Lucas said but in that moment I got so angry I felt my blood boiling.

Lucas tried to touch me but I burned him

"Your burning allison" he said

"We need to get her out of here Allison close your eyes" Lucas said and we walked to where the private restrooms were and I stopped to put my hand on the wall.

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