Chapter 27

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Allison's pov *3 months later*

So we're back in school for sure and it's been three months since they came back and the pack was freaked out. They alk adjusted to it in about 3 weeks and it was normal after that Chris and Jasmine visited willow she almost pissed her pants Jasmine was so pissed at her she ripped out her heart. Joan is still in the cells never gonna get out. Me Damien Elijah Chris and Parker are as close as ever of course I still am close with mel nick Lisa Leah and Mav they I'll always be there for me.

Me and Lucas got much closer if you know what I mean. He has taken me on a few dates every now and then and I love them. I'm glad were passed everything that happened.

Oh and another thing leah is pregnant! She is two months pregnant and I'm going to be an aunt! I'm excited for it. Parker comes over to hang out with me Damien Chris and Elijah as much as he can since he is alpha at yellow stone he doesn't really have time. Plus me being Luna going to school is really alot too but I make time for them. Today is kais birthday and me and Chris are out in town getting him a gift while everyone else is setting up the party.

"What about this" Chris said and he put on a monkey head and I laughed.

"No that thing would fit his whole body" I said and chuckled

"True" he said and laughed

"So you never met your mate" I said and he shook his head.

"Nope I'm gonna be a lone wolf till I die again" he said and laughed and I hit his arm.

"You're not allowed to leave ever again" I said and he hugged me

"I promise I wanna meet your future pups anyways especially since one is named after me" he said and held his head high with a smile and I laughed.

"Yeah yeah let's get this gift I hate being here to long" I said and he nodded we got Kai's gift and we left.

As we drove back we blasted music and sang.


"You know your a great singer" he said and turned down the music.

"Yeah right" I said

"You are for real Allison how come you never sing" he said

"You used to do it all the time with me" he said and glanced at me.

"After you died I couldn't do it. It wasn't the same any more so I just quit." I said and he grabbed my hand.

"Well I'm back now and we are gonna do it for Kai's birthday your gonna sing" he said and I shook my head saying no.

"Yeah yeah you are" he said

"Nopeee" I said

"Fine at my birthday you definitely are I'm gonna be 21 this year" he said and smiled

"Fine ill sing at yours not at Kai's I wouldn't even know what to sing he's 4" I said and he chuckled we got to the pack house and we all went in and everyone had finished the decorations.

"I looks great" I said

"Here I'll wrap that for ya" Alex said and smiled i nodded and she took the gift and wrapped it.

"Hey beautiful" lucas said and gave me a kiss

"Hey" I said and smiled Chris made a fake gagging noise and we laughed

"Yall are se-" he stopped and his eyes got wide.

"What" I said

"Mate" he whispered Oh my moon goddess finally!

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