Chapter 38

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Allison's pov

I took Victor to an available cabin because he wanted to just rest by that I knew he was gonna drink his sorrows away. I went back to the pack house and I smelled fresh pine and vanilla. Great my lovely mate. I walked to his office and I opened the door and he was sitting down doing work. He looked up and smiled.

"Allison" he said I walked in and closed the door and sat down.

"To what do I owe the pleasure" he said and smirked

"Don't get cocky" I said and he nodded

"I forgive you" I said and his eyes widened.

"I had a friend tell me and open my eyes and I realized I hurt you too and I'm sorry" I said and he nodded

"So we can be together again" he said

"You have my love back but just not my trust that I will not give until you prove it to me Lucas I'll give you my love but my trust your gonna have to earn yeah I understand I hurt you but I'm not the one who rejected then cheated" I said and he nodded

"I understand" he said and smiled

"Good don't make me regret it" i said and I got up.

"Oh and if you go near Stacy again I will rip her ugly little head off her body" I said and smiled and he chuckled and nodded.

"Well I will be gone for a while so don't hold up" I said and he looked at me.

"I owe a favor to a good friend of mine" I said and he nodded I walked out and walked out of the pack house then zipped through the borders looking and sniffing for a rogue. Then I finally found one. I got to a little cabin in the woods it looked clean and new. The stench hit me like a truck though. I walked to the door and knocked.

"I mean no harm I just want to ask questions I'm looking for a certain rogue" I said

The door opened and a guy looked at me and growled.

"Wouldn't pick a fight with me in sure you know who I am but I come offering a deal but you got to tell me why your a rogue unless I can't offer the deal" I said

"What's the deal" he said

"Why are you a rogue" I said

"Family died when I was young I found my mate and rogues killed her what are the chances" he said and looked down.

"Why haven't you ended it" I said

"I don't know" he said

"What if I could get you to your family and mate in peace" I said

"What do you get out of it" he said

"Something valuable to a friend" he said and he looked down and thought about it.

"You know I could just kill myself" he said

"Who was your mate" I said

"Harper. Harper Baker" he said and I nodded

"You get her back and I get back something valuable to my friend it's a deal if you don't want it then I'll go" I said

"No I'll do it um. When" he said

"When your ready between now and midnight" I said and smiled

"Where do I meet you" he said

"I'll come and get you" I said and he nodded

"I never got your name" I said

"Lyle Olivers" he said and I nodded

"Well lyle I'll see you when your ready this is my number" I said and gave him a paper and he nodded then I zipped away. I got to Damiens and I walked in and saw a couple making out.

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