Chapter 39

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Allison's pov

I woke up and Victor was asleep. So I zipped out before he could wake up and I went to Damiens.

"Well good morning Amanda Damien" I said and smiled

"How's Victor" Amanda said

"I slept over he was freaked out and he said the moon goddess was mocking him" I said and she frowned

"Its okay I'm bringing him for a walk today and I'm leading him here so you'll see him very soon in like 30 minutes I just came to check on you" I said and she nodded

"Damien gave me some blood he had some blood bags" he said and I nodded

"Well see you in half an hour" I said and she nodded I zipped home took a quick shower and got dressed. I put on a light pink shirt with some shorts and sandals then I grabbed a light blue cardigan with flowers on it then I grabbed a little hat. I grabbed my glasses then I saw what I haven't seen in two years. I picked it up and smiled.

"I um thought you would want that back" Lucas said

"I'm sorry I left it" I said

"But I never left the bracelet I took it with me I never took it off" I said and showed him my wrist and he smiled.

"I love you Allison and I'm sorry for everything I've done and said this is um one thing I wanted to do to get your trust and respect back I'm still working on it." He said and I smiled

"Thank you for respecting that" I said and he nodded and he walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh um I also didn't see you come home last night" he said

"I slept at damiens" I said and smiled

"Oh okay" he said

"Um I also have a friend for you to meet later on today" I said

"Am I going to like this friend" he said and smiled

"He helped me stay in check over the two years I was gone" I said

"You killed 200 people that's in check?" He said

"It could've been thousands if it weren't for him and plus if it wasn't for him it wouldn't have been easy to get me back" I said

"Well then I owe him alot" he said and I smiled

"I'll be back later I um have a surprise for him I kind of owe him alot" I said

"What do you owe?" He said

"Just something I'll tell you when you meet him" I said and smiled i walked out and zipped over to victors. Lucas knows Victor everyone does. He's the oldest vampire I'm history. The very first ancient. He's 1,378 years old. There are five ancients well four now one was Rick he was the second oldest 1,367. I killed him though. Then there is Rita she's 1,332. Then there is Roland he's also 1,332 him and Rita are twins. Then last but not least the youngest Nicholas he's 1,323. The thing about Victor Rick Rita Roland and Nicholas is they are brothers and sisters. Rick was the immature one. Victor was the one who was honest and when he gave his word he meant it. Roland and Rita are honest but when they gave their word they always broke it for some reason sometimes love was involved then the other was family. Then you have Nicholas he was everything he was immature at times but he always kept his word and never made a mess about things like Rick did he was honest but messy when it came to humans. He of course cleaned his mess but he killed alot of innocent people but he got over that in 1967 he got his act together and took after Victor now he's an honest man and trust worthy. They lost their parents because they were killed. Their mother was a powerful witch and werewolves attacked their village and she didn't want her kids to die so she cast a spell on them made their bite venom to the wolf. Their father was a werewolf hunter. He died when the wolves attacked they hated wolves for centuries and decades they soon forgave them and had a peace treaty Rick hated it they were powerful over wolves and witches but when the hybrids came out he felt powerless. Which is why he hated them. Well now he can't anymore seeing as he is dead.

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