Chapter 22

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Allison's pov

I woke up and heard beeping. I sat up and I saw my parents and malakai.

"Mom? Dad?" I said and they looked at me

"Oh my god my baby" mom said and she hugged me

"Hey I'm Da baby" kai said and I chuckled

"What happened" I said

"You went to the house were Ethan and Mack were and you told them to hold you down and you roared everyone in the pack heard it I knew it was you so I ran over and when me and dad got there you were laying down unconscious and Ethan was trying to wake you up" mom said

"How long have I been asleep" I said

"Two days" dad said

"Two days!" I said

"Leah and Parker told us well told everyone what happened" mom said

"Are you disappointed in me.." I said

"No we are not disappointed in you ally you were heart broken no one understands how much that pain can get to you yes you killed innocent people ally but at some point in a wolf's life we do make mistakes" dad said and he hugged me

"I love you pop" I said and he kissed my crown

"We love you too pup" dad said and I smiled

Then Lisa and Mav walked in and Lisa ran to me.

"Oh my god your awake ugh! I could rip his balls off!" Lisa said

"Balls?" Kai said and everyone laughed

"Kai that's a bad word" mom said and she picked him up.

"Why is ally sicky" kai said

"She's a little sad bud" dad said and Kai wanted to sit with me and he layed with me.

"Don't be swad ally you have me" Kai said and I smiled

"Yeah bud your right" I said and I hugged him kai actually made me feel alot better I missed him so much and he was getting so big.

"Ally who made you sad" kai said and everyone looked at me.

"Um bud how about we talk about something else" I said

"Why who hurt you sissy" he said and he looked at mom and dad.

Just in that moment the person that did hurt me walked in. My heart fell. He looked horrible. He looked pale. He had bags under his eyes. Everyone growled at him and Kai looked at me.

"LUKE YOU HURT MY SISSY!" kai yelled and jumped off the bed and kicked him and he grabbed his hand and surprisingly threw him on the floor and he slapped his face.

"No one hurts my sissy" kai said and he walked back to the bed and climbed on and he hugged me. Lucas got up and walked over to me.

"Take another step and your balls will be kicked so far up that you will couch them out" Lisa said and growled

"Guys I'm fine can you give us a minute" I said and they nodded kai hugged me tighter because he didn't want to leave.

"Its okay kai I'll be fine" I said and he looked at Lucas.

"You hurt my sissy again imma do what Lisa said cause I can't say it mommy said it was a bad word" kai said and mom grabbed him and took him out. When everyone was gone he sat at the edge of my bed.

"That pup is strong" he said and chuckled

"Yeah" I said and looked away

"Allison I'm so sorry" he said

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