Girl in pink

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Harry Lewis x reader

Quick a/n: Takes place in his hometown. Guernsey.

Harry's Pov.

The cold breeze hits my face, sending goosebumps across my body. I put my hand in my pockets to regain warmth. I was currently walking back home. It was a normal afternoon. Nothing much.

What was killing me was the fact that I don't have a girlfriend anymore. Katie and I had broken up 3 weeks ago. I didn't say I miss her, There was just something missing. A little ray of sunshine, I think.

"Oh my days! I am so sorry!" I apologized as I bump into a girl. Books fell down on the ground and she bent down to pick it up.

"Let me help you-" She looked up and I saw (Y/E/C) eyes looking start to me. My heart skips a beat and starts pounding again. I can't breath. She looked beautiful in her pink jumper.

"Sir? Are you ok?" She said as she fixed her books

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"Sir? Are you ok?" She said as she fixed her books. I look at her and pick up the last book from the ground. "Y-yeah" I stuttered. I hand it over to her and out fingers touch.

Electricity flows down my body. She looked at me and blushed. I pulled my hand out and smiled at her. She smiled back and we walked the opposite sides.

"Miss! Wait!" I called.

Before I knew it, Y/N was going to be a big part of my life. My pink jumper girl.


Sorry if it's short and cheesy and crappy😂

I'll be updating very soon!


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