Missing key

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Ben x reader

// before I go and deal with my mental illness, I would like to post this. This has been in my drafts for quite a long time now and I wasn't sure if this would go up because you know, I think it's shite (just like all my other chapters :( ) anyways, I hope you guys like it and I promise this isn't the last imagine x trigger warning //

Her fingers were shaky as they lightly touch the keys on the piano. Her breath was heavy as memories of her pass haunt her. She was sat down in front of the piano inside the living room of Ben's house (his parents technically)

The words that they said made her cry and depressed, the stares and glares she got when she passed by made her insecure, the way they talk about her made her wanting to die, and the slaps and abuse she got from her ex made her feel unwanted and unloved.

She began to press on some keys that didn't even made a good tune but for someone, who was watching from the doorway, found it melodic. She stopped and sighed, correcting her posture and guided her fingers on the piano key, creating her own melody.

The memories keep on taunting her but she didn't stop from playing. She was suddenly surrounded in darkness, the sound of the piano was audible to her.

"You're worthless!" A harsh voice shouted. She closed her eyes, not wanting to stop playing. "Stop playing already!" Another hissed. "Stop it! You're not even good!" "You hard-headed bitch!" "Slut!" "Just fucking accept that fact that no one believes in you!" "Nobody loves you, not even-"

Long slender arms were suddenly wrapped around her waist that made her stop from playing the piano, she opened her eyes, that were clouded with tears and her vision was blurry, only a pair of sparkling hazel orbs were the only things she could see.

"B-ben?" she breathed out. He frowned as he noticed tears running down her pale cheeks, reaching out and wiped them. "What's wrong?" he gently asked, hugging her tightly. He was sat next to her and he pulled her to his chest.

"I-i'm sorry, Ben... I'm not as pretty as t-the other girls are, I don't p-play piano well and, and..."

"No, babygirl-" he lifted her chin up and kissed her forehead before looking passionately in to her eyes "-you don't need to compare yourself to others, you wanna know why?" he gently smiled as Y/n nodded.

"You are you and I find that beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous rather. All your flaws, all your clumsy mistakes, and all your beautiful imperfections makes you look perfect. You are stunning in all ways, Y/n. I love you because you are simply.... simple. You don't need make-up to be pretty, you don't need to wear clothes that make you look sexy because you are all of those without even trying" he said.

Y/n smiled and hugged back. "I love you babygirl" he mumbled in her head, taking in her scent. Her heart fluttered, "I love you too, Benjamin"

And that was it. All along it wasn't a piano key, it was Ben. He was the missing key, the missing piece in her life. In her heart. He made her feel beautiful, which is true. Y/n was beautiful. Inside and out. She may not know it but she is, in fact, the most kind and beautiful girl.


You are beautiful and it is true. I believe in you and I know you are worth it x

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