Out of the way

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Calfreezy x reader

It's been only 15 minutes since I've arrived at Harry's (and the two Cals') flat and Cal's already cursing at me.

"Get out of the way you fucking nugget" Cal growled trying to shove me away the doorway. I huffed and rolled my eyes before going away from him, bumping our shoulders intentionally.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Lux asked, turning his attention from the telly to me. I sat down besides him and sighed, "nothing, Cal's just being a dickhead. As always"

"I fucking heard that!" Cal shouted from the other room. Lux chuckled and puts a hand over my shoulder, "trust me, love. He's just trying to act tough because he likes you"


I rolled my eyes, "mate, he hates me"

"That's what you think" Lux smirked.


"Oh my God, I don't have time to deal with your bullshit" I groaned, trying to get out the door, which was being blocked by Cal.

He smirked and leaned against the door frame, "can you leave?" I said, glaring at him.

"No, thank you. I think I'm good" he said.

"Asshole" "Idiot" he said, smirking. I turn around and he suddenly grabs my hand.

"Woah, where are you going?" "Away from you" I growled, yanking my hand away from his grip.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

He laughs, "I never did, babe"

"Then why-"

Before I could finish, he presses his lips onto mine. He snakes his arms around my waist, my arms around his neck.

"Hey, I lost my- OH MY DAYS! CALLUX LOOK AT THIS! YOU OWE ME 50 POUNDS MOTHERFUCKER!" Harry said as he skips out of the hall to find Callux.

He pulls away and smiles, "you're gorgeous and I just wanted to mess with you" Cal laughed, kissing my forehead.

"I'll be seeing you tomorrow at 7pm, Cal" I winked and walk out the door.

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