I can't live without you

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Harry x reader

(Part 2 of If she makes you happy)
*Potentially Triggering*



Their worlds collided again. Y/N gripping her coffee as Harry weakly smiled at her. She bit her lips and looked at Harry, who's eyes were shinning as bright as sapphires. The two bumped into each other at a local coffee shop, eyes full of shock but hearts remained still.

"How are you?" Harry asked, scratching his nape. She would lie if she said she was fine. Life without the gorgeous boy was hard. For 2 years, she just couldn't move on.

"I-i.. I'm fine" She said, smiling faintly. "You?"

"Honestly?" Harry said, looking up to her eyes. Biting his lips as he saw her (Y/E/C) orbs, piercing into his soul. She nodded, sipping her coffee.

"Why don't we take a seat, first?" Harry said.

As the took their seats, Y/N saw Harry's sleeves slightly go up. Seeing puffy scars. She flinched.

"Are you alright, Haz-Harold?" She stuttered. Almost saying his nickname, Harry frowned. "I'm not. No-I'm dying!" He shouted. Luckily, only Y/N and Harry were the only ones at the coffee shop.

"Ha-" "No Y/N! I'm serious! I can't live without you!-" He said, tugging his hair. "-I feel like an idiot for leaving you! I shouldn't have walked away! I should have fought for you!" He shouted again, visible tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Harry" Y/N said, softly. Harry gazed up. She put her coffee down and offered him a hand, "Give me your arms, Haz" She smiled. Feeling tears forming in her eyes.

He was hesitant at first but he gave in. Y/N pulled his sleeves down and saw the cuts, "What happened?" She calmly asked. "I-i decided to take my life... I couldn't stand being away from y-you" Harry breathed out. She gently traced the cuts and looked at his bright blues.

"Oh Harry..." She said, blinking tears from her eyes. "No.. Don't cry, love." Harry said. It pained him to see her crying.

"I'm sorry, Haz"

"I'm sorry, N/N"

He pulled his arms away and entwined them with hers. "Did she make you happy?"

"For a while, then I realised I lost you"

"Then... Let's start over again" She offered. Harry smiled, pulling his hands away.

"I would like that, very much"

"Hi, I'm Y/N L/N, and I am in love with Harold Christopher George Lewis"

She held her hand out, Harry chuckled.

"Hello, I'm Harold Christopher George Lewis, and I believe I'm the one your talking about?" He smirked, shaking her hand.

"Is that so, Harold?"

"Indeed, Y/N"

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