Falling for her

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Josh x reader

Falling for her.

She wasn't hard to love, she was kind and gorgeous. She had these E/C eyes that would shine as she would look up the evening sky, her cute nose that would always move when rain drops on it, her hair that would bounce as she jumped around the jazzy music, and her smile. God, that smile.

Her smile that made weak and saying that I was the happiest man alive.

Oh. She wasn't hard to love, that's why I fell for her.

Literally. You know me, as a clumsy motherfucker I am.

"Y/n!" I shouted, running down the hall to catch up with her. She turned around and gave me on of her sweet smile.

"Y/n! I think-" before I could finish my sentence, my face meets the floor. I groaned and heard a cute laugh, "Josh? Are you alright?" She asked in between laughs.

I stood up and fixed my clothes. "Yeah" "So? What was it that you were gonna tell me?"

"I think I'm falling for you" I said, my cheeks heating up.

"Literally?" She asked, laughing and I chuckled. "Ah, I like you too you clumsy shit"

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