Soft punk

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Punk!simon x reader

Y'all motherfuckers need to listen to that song. lol. It is now 10:40am in the morning 1st of November, Philippine time, and I just freakin' woke up. So anyways, since I had nothing to do, why not make a Punk!sidemen au? Happy Halloween and enjoy! x

London was a calm city but when night fell, all the innocence and calmness disappears.

You see, the busy streets were replaced with punks. Not just any punks, The Sidemen. Sure their name wasn't that terrifying but oh boy, the members were.

Simon was the leader, he had tattoos across his neck and piercings on his nose and ears, he was the badass leader everybody knew. Vikram and Tobi were the brains, they didn't have any tattoos like the other guys but they had a piercings in their eyebrows and nose. Josh was more of the protective member, he always had this bat that made him look punk-y and badass (asf) Every group had daredevils, those were Jide and Harry, Jide wasn't really THAT daring but Harry was, he even got a scar across his cheek and neck because of his stunts. Lastly, Ethan was the caring one, sure, he had piercings and scars, but he cared for them.


"I'll head off, Mr. David!" Y/n said, taking off her hair net. She just finished her shift in the local coffee shop. "Alright, Y/n. You be safe" Mr. David called out as he waved her goodbye. She nodded, putting on her beanie and coat.

As she got out of the cafe, she sighed. Christmas was fast approaching and the snow was getting thicker everyday. She continued to walk to her flat, which wasn't far from the cafe.

The streets were quite, the usual. She looked up the sky and hoped she could get there safely.

"Hey!" A voice shouted. She spoke too soon.

She gulped and looked over her shoulder. A group of drunk middle-aged boys was approaching her, "How 'bout a kiss, hun?" One shouted. Her legs began to shake, she wasn't used to this. Any of this.

"Come with us, sugar" Another one slurred. Now they were only a meter away, her first plan was to talk them off, but her limbs didn't cooperate. She ran to the nearest alley. "She's a runner!" One laughed. (TMR fans?)

"Shit" She cursed, looking at the wall in front of her. "Dead end, sweetie" A voice said, followed by laughter. She leaned her back against the wall, her breathing became shaky and heavy. "P-please don't hurt m-me" She whimpers.

The guys laugh and slowly surrounded her. "We aren't go-"

"You heard her" Said a dark voice, almost as if it was commanding. The boys turned and their eyes widen. She peeked between the gap of two boys.

"S-simon.." One boy gulped. 'Simon' leaned against the wall and swung his bat around his hand. "Come on, boy" He stretches his neck, making crack sounds. "Go" He said, looking at the boys.

They suddenly burst out laughing, "You against 3 of us?" One said in fits of laughter. "Who said I was alone?" He smirked, putting his hands in the pocket of his black coat. Out of no where, a boy with blonde hair and a dark blue coat jumped out of the sky. "Fine evening lads" He greeted, smiling widely. Another guy jumped out, he had dark skin and a bandana wrapped in his forehead.

Four other men appeared, they had bats and smirked, approaching Simon. "So, you'll leave her alone?" The boy with thick eyebrows asked. The three boys, who were in front of her, looked terrified and nodded. "Boo" The dark skinned boy said. With that, the three boys ran.

Y/n gulped and Simon's face soften. "Thank you" She said, barely audible. "It's nothing actually" The boy with the dark blue coat smiled. "I'm Harry by the way" "Y/n" "Lovely" Simon breathed out. Josh looked at him and smirked, "Hello Y/n, I'm JJ" The boy with dark skin said. "I'm Vikram but they call me Vik. Anyway, this is Tobi-" "Hello" "-Ethan-" "Hey, love" "-Josh-" Josh smiled "-and Simon"

Y/n blushed as she looked at Simon. All the tattoos and piercings made him ten times hotter. "Y/n, you should go home. It's freezing" Tobi suggested. Simon glared at Tobi, it sucked but she needed to go home. "Oh, y-yeah"

"I'll take you home" Simon blurted out. The rest of the guys smirked. "I-is it t-too much, I-i mean-" "I insist" He gently said. Y/n nodded, "Go back to the house, mates" He ordered.


"Is that your flat building?" Simon asked, scratching the back of his neck, revealing his tattoos. "Yeah, actually" She smiled.

They've gotten closer when they walked home together, they shared the same taste in music, they had similarities and Simon couldn't deny it, but he had grown a soft part for her.

"Thank you for what you did back there" She giggled. Simon nodded and blushed. "Goodnight, Si" She said, a bit sad. Simon ruffled her hair and smiled, "Goodnight" He said, walking away.

"Uh, Simon?"She called out. Simon looked and she was signalling him to come to her. As he got closer, "Yeah?"

Y/n tiptoed and pulled him into a kiss. Simon's cheek began to heat and he slowly gave in.

As they pull away, she pointed up. "Mistletoe" She smiled. "It's not even Christmas" He laughed. "Yet, you soft punk" she teased. "Whatever" he said, playfully rolling his eyes, snaking his arms around her waist.

/ part 2?

Cheers x ps. this was rushed lol, so sorry for any grammatical errors :(

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