I'm scared

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Vik x reader

I traced my fingers to the bruise on my cheek, I flinched at the sudden touch. My eyes clouded with tears and looked back at the mirror, even with make up. I can't find it.

I turned on the faucet and washed my face, I needed to get his touch away from me. I gently washed the sore parts of my face, as I stood straight. I grabbed the towel and dried my face, then my phone started to ring.

I turned off the running water and went to my bed, sitting next to the nightstand, I grabbed my phone. I smiled as I saw the caller, Vik

I answered it and pressed it gently in my ear, "Hello?" "Hey N/N" He greeted. I let out a sigh and smiled, "Hey Vikky" "So, how are you?"

Honestly? I was at my worse state. A black eye and some bruised part on my skin. He did this to me, He hit me.

"I'm alright, Vik" I said, almost cringing at the word 'alright'

"Are you sure? You seem pretty tensed" "I told you, I'm fine" I calmly said. "Y/N" "Vik"

"What's wrong?" He said, worry in his voice. "Please, tell me, love"

"Vik.." "Y/N?"

"Please, I need you right now"

|| Timeskip ||

Vik came rushing through the door and he saw me crying on my bed. "Oh!" He said, running towards me. He hugged me and I rested my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat.

"He hit me, Vik. I trusted him" I said, gripping into his shirt. "Shhh, don't cry, He's gone" He cooed me.

"What if he comes back, Vik? What if Adrian comes back? I'm scared, Vik"

"He won't. I'll protect you, love. I always will. I love you Y/N" He said, rubbing circles in my back. I smiled and nodded. "I love you too, Vikky"

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