Ben Morris; 11k special!

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For those of you who don't know Ben (whaaaaa? how could you not know the purest fuckboi? jk lol sml for ben) he is basically JMX/Joel's lil' bro. Here is his YouTube channel, go check him out

warning; a bit smutty? i guess lol and pls read the author's note down x


Y/n groaned as she rubbed her throbbing head, "Where the fuck am I?" she thought. By the smell of the bed sheets, this wasn't hers. It had a strong masculine scent. She sat up and noticed she was wearing a white hoodie (the one Ben is wearing in the media), but no undergarments. She was basically half naked, in a room she found familiar.

She suddenly heard snoring. Light snores. As looked to her side to find a naked sleeping Benjamin.


Surely, that would wake up the whole neighborhood. Ben bolted up and panic was visible in his face, "What happened?! I'm up! I'm up!" He shouted, looking at Y/n. "Y/n? W-why are you wearing my hoodie? Why are you in my be-" Then Ben's cheek suddenly turned to red.

"Did we..." Y/n trailed off, blushing at Ben. He slowly gulped, "We had se-" Y/n covered his mouth, feeling embarrassed at the word. Ben took her hands off and sighed, "How though?" She asked. Ben's cheek flushed once more. "You don't remember?"


Ben roughly pinned her against the wall, earning a moan from Y/n. "You like that, huh?" He huskily asked, kissing her neck. She hummed in response as Ben groped her ass. "B-ben.." She moaned.

"What's that, kitten?" He teased. "Please fu-"


"Okay, okay. That's enough Ben" She interrupted, blushing madly. Ben pouted before looking at her eyes. "I wasn't lying though.." "Yes, I know you weren-" Ben pressed his lips on hers, hovering on top.

He slowly pulled away, not breaking eye contact. "I love you, Y/n"


Each thrust filled the room with moans coming from both of them. Arching her back in pleasure as she felt something in her stomach. "B-ben! I-i.." "Fuck, Y/n! I love you!" Ben moaned, thrusts getting faster. Y/n closed her eyes and wrapped her legs around his waist. Scratching his back, in return, Ben found it pleasurable.

"I love you, I love you" He kept saying, leaving kisses on her chest and love bites on her neck.


Y/n looked at his eyes, flaming with passion. Not lust, just passion and love. She smiled before pulling him closer, kissing him again. "I love you too"


And there you go! My first (mini) smut. lol. I'd like to thank everyone who reads this even though I am not the best author in the world, you guys still made it possible for me to hit 11k, thoughts, suggestions, and opinions on this 'smut'? lol x

Cheers x

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