His promise

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Lewis x reader

Lewis stood in front of Y/n, nervously biting his lower lip. Y/n tilted her head and Lewis smiled, "Lew? Are you alright?" She asked. "Y-yea.. It's just cold" He lied. Y/n nodded and looked at the view, "You took me here, on top of this mountain.. Is there something bothering you?" She gently asked. Lewis nodded and knelt down in one knee,

"Y/n L/n, I am kneeling before you on this night, to ask you a ever important question.."

He took out a velvet box out of his pocket and gazed up to her, looking straightly in to her sparkling E/c eyes.

"But before I do, I need to make a promise. Is that okay?" He asked. Y/n nodded slowly before Lewis could continue.

"I promise to hold you when we cross the street. I will share my chips with you when you've finished yours and still be hungry. I won't ever pop my collar. I will never be rude to your tummy when I hear it growl and gurgle, I promise to bend down and reply respectfully-" Y/n giggled and Lewis chuckled "-I'll always kiss your forehead before going to bed. I will kiss the papercuts, door-slammed fingers, and the counter bumped hip. I'll try my hardest not to get annoyed when you whisper questions and comments during movies. I'll let you win in our wrestling matches. Sometimes. Other times I will not!" Lewis jokingly said, making Y/n laugh as tears of joy run down her cheeks.

"I'll send you random texts and send you silly gifts. Not always and not on schedule. Just whenever I want to. Whenever I think you need one. Or seven. I will check up on you everytime your alone. I will kill all the bugs that make you scream like a little girl. I'll always hug you from the back and kiss your little nose when you get grumpy. I promise to call and text back. I will hold you. I will love you. I love you, Y/n. Would you do me the honors and make me... The happiest guy alive by being my wife?" Lewis asked, a goofy but meaningful smile playing on his lips as he opened the box, revealing a simple yet elegant diamond ring.

Y/n wiped tears off her cheeks and sniffed, "That speech was great, Lew." She said. Lewis' smile faded as she looked at the view, "Y/n?" Lewis broken voice whispered. She giggled and looked down at Lewis.

"Of course I'll be your wife, Lew!" She shouted. Lewis' eyes lit up and he stood up and took her hand, slowly putting the ring on. "I love you, I love you, I loooooove you" She repeated, kissing Lewis' face, which made the lad laugh.

Needless to say, he did keep his promise.

I'm still working on the two requests!! x I just thought of posting this because It's so cute asfffffff

cheers x

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