Fuck my laugh

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Ethan x reader

"Y/N! 30 minutes and you're on set, okay?" My manager said. I nodded and drank my water. I was having a concert and this was a special segment, My fans would ask me questions. My make-up artist did a final re-touch and I looked at me phone.

7:30 pm

I smiled, Ethan would be in my hotel room now, He promised to come. He was busy but he promised.

"Y/N! Let's go!" Gee, the stage manager, said. I put my phone down and she hands me a microphone. "You can do it, girly" She said. I smiled and nodded at her.

"HELLOOO ONCE AGAIN UK!" I greeted as I come on stage. The fans go crazy and I laughed. "Calm down! Oh my! There are so many of you!" I shouted, the fans cheer and waved around banners.

"So? Are you guys ready?" I asked and smirked. "YES" They shouted. I grip my microphone and took a deep breath, searching for a fan in the audience.

"You! With the silver hair- SIMON?!" I squealed, He comes on stage and laughs. The fangirls go wild and I hug him. "What are you doing here?" I said, as I pulled away. "I'm not allowed to see my little sister's concert, aye?" He cockily said.

I laughed and shook my head.

The minutes went on and Simon was besides me, answering questions as well.

"Y/N? Look at that screen" He pointed to the giant screen, that was showing me lyrics. I nodded and cross my arms.

The arena became dark and the only light that was showing was from the screen.

"Hey N/N" Ethan said, inside the screen. My fans go wild and I kept looking at the screen. He laughed, but that wasn't from the screen. Wait.

"Look behind you, love" The Ethan in the screen said, a cheeky smile growing on his face.

I turned around and saw him. Arms wide open and he was laughing, looking at Simon,  "Fuck my laugh, Si" He said, laughing his arse off.

I ran to him and jumped. My legs around his waist, my arms around his neck. "Oh my god, Behz!" I whispered, feeling tears streaming my cheeks.

He hugged me back and giggled, "Hey, don't cry. You were supposed to be happy!"

"I am! Now that you're here"


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