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Chris x reader

Uhmmm, prepare tissues? :)

She was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. She didn't have much time to live and it pained Chris to see her like that.

He never left her side since day one yet he knew, he knew that his Y/n wouldn't last longer in this cruel world.

Chris knew the bitter truth couldn't be saved by a sweet lie.

"C-chris?" she whispered, brushing her fingertips on Chris' arm. He gazed at her and smiled.

She had chapped and faded (hehe) lips, pale skin, and only a small amount of hair left, Chris' thought she looked like an angel.

"Yes, N/n?" he whispered back, not wanting to be loud when talking to her.

"I know t-that I don't have much time.." she mumbled, looking at Chris' eyes.

"No, no, love. You'll live, you'll-" "we both know I won't, Chris"

Chris sighed and stood up, not breaking eye contact with her. He pressed his lips on her forehead, feeling her cold skin on his lips.

"I love you so much, Y/n. I don't want you to suffer like this" he said, stroking her cheek.

She smiled weakly, "Don't you ever b-blame yourself, Chris. I love you too and I want you to be happy"

"But I am with you" he sighed. She shook her head, "when I'm gone, do you promise to find someone else?"

Chris looked hesitant (alien) at first, Y/n gripped his hand weakly, "Chris, promise me you'll be happy with or without me"

Chris nodded slowly and kissed her lips.

"Thank you so much, Chris" she whispered, closing her eyes. Chris had tears running down his cheeks, he held her hand in his hand.

"I love you so so much, Y/n. You've made me the happiest guy ever-" she smiled weakly "-but I need to let you go" he cried softly.

"Love, rest now" he whispered, breathing heavily. "I love y-you" she breathed out.

Her heart monitor started to beep.

Chris held on to her hand, not letting go. "Y/n.." he cried as doctors and nurses ran in to the room.

Slowly, he lets go as they push him out. "Y/n!" He shouted, reaching out to her again.

"Chris, stop crying. I'm here. I always will be" a voice whispered as Chris kneeled in front of her hospital room. There was a cold breeze and Chris felt his troubles go away, "Y/n, I promise I'll be happy again" he whispered

She smiled and wrapped her arms around him.

He felt her presence and smiled weakly, "watch over me, okay?"

"Of course, Chris"

The title and the story do not go so well, ya think? xD

Cheers x

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