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Calfreezy x reader

"Hey" a voice said. She averted her eyes from the sunset to the figure besides her, "o-oh, Hey Cal" she greeted.

She was sat in the shore, the water brushing on her toes and the sunset illuminated her face.

Cal smiled and sat besides her, their shoulders touching. "Are you enjoying the party?" "Yeah, it's pretty fun"

Cal was referring to the party held at a beach for Simon's birthday. It was fun and loud, but Y/n decided to go to the shore and look at the mesmerizing sunset.

Cal smiled and looked at the sun. There was silence amongst them, it wasn't awkward, it was relaxing.

"Y/n, I-i need to tell you something" he cleared his throat.

She looked at him, "yeah, Cal?"

The light of the bright sun was showing all her features, her hair swaying with the cool breeze. It made him weak, it made him fall deeper for her.

"Well, I-i..." he gulped, lost in her shining brown eyes. "I'm in love with you" he blurted, his heart beat racing.

"From the moment I saw you walk inside the flat, I was utterly in love with you. You and your eyes, your lips, your hair, your nose, your personality. It makes me weak, all of your features make me weak, you are simple perfe-"

She flung her arms around his neck and pressed her cold lips against his. He didn't hesitate to kiss back within seconds.

He puts his hands on her back, pressing her against his chest.

As they pull away for air, the sun was gone and was replaced by the bright moon. Cal rubbed his thumb across her cheek and kissed her forehead, "I love you too, Cal"

"I love you more, Y/n"

| guess who's back? HAHA sorry for the lack of imagines. It's currently dry season in this brain of mine

but then again, requests are still open x

Cheers x |

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