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vampire!Harry x reader

"Y/n, can't you understand? It's not safe for you to be running around whoring with your fucking friends!" Harry growled, his eyes turning violet.

This one was of the many big fights you had. It always involved Harry blaming you for not being safe.

"Harold! I was just catching up with them!" you shouted. "Does catching up mean going to a club and coming back home at 2 in the morning?!" He shouted back, walking towards you.

"That wasn't planned! It just happened!" you said, glaring at your lover. He hissed and turned, sighing deeply.

"we need to cool off" he said and rushes out the door of their flat. You sighed and sat in the couch, running a hand through your hair.


You decided to go for a walk in the park. It wasn't far away from Harry's flat. You walked slowly, taking a deep breath as the leaves rustle beneath your feet.

The breeze passes by, sending you to shiver. The park didn't have people in it today so everything was calming and peaceful. You were admiring the setting sun in the distant.

You heard a twig snap and you turned around, only to see Harry.

"Haz?" you said, walking towards him. He keeps his head down and you stop just inches away from him.

"I-is it because I'm a vampire?" he whispered.

This time, the sun was completely gone and the moon started to rise.

"what?" you asked, walking towards him, closing the gap between you. Harry looks at you, his eyes red.

"do you w-wanna break up with me because I'm a v-vampire?" he frowned. You place a hand on his pale cheek, rubbing his cheekbone with your thumb.

"No..." you croaked out, looking directly into his glowing blood-red eyes. "I love you for who you are and I am willing to give up anything for you, Harry"


"Turn me" you said, wrapping your arms around his neck. His eyes widen, "t-turn you? Into a vampire? L-like me?" he said, locking gazes with you.

You nod, "yeah, I think I'm ready"

Harry swallows and leaned in towards the side of your neck, his fangs begin to grow and he gently placed them on top of your pulse.

"This may hurt a bit, I'm sorry, love" he whispered before inserting his fangs.

You whimpered in pain, gripping on his shoulders. After a few moments, Harry pulls away and you collapsed on his chest.

He holds you and kisses your head, "I'll see you tomorrow, my princess"


You flutter your eyes open, inhaling deeply. You exhaled and looked around the room.

It was Harry's room.

The one he had in Gurnersy, his childhood room. You sat up and noticed the windows were shot close.

You placed a hand on the side of your neck and winced as it made contact with two small holes just on top of the pulse.

"Pulse?" you whispered before placing a hand on top of your heart. Listening closely, you heard nothing. No beating. No blooding rushing out of it. Nothing.

"Y/n?" a voice said as the door pushed open. You looked up and saw Harry, a gentle smile on his face.

"Goodmorning, love"

"Harry? Am I... dead?"

Harry chuckled and kissed your forehead, "you're a vampire, silly"

You smiled and hugged Harry, tigthening your grip around him. You never felt safer with him.

"I love you, Y/n" he whispered, caressing your hair. You smiled, "I love you too, Harry"

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