I'll see you soon, guys x

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Hey, so this is not an imagine. 

It's juts basically me... wanting to tell you guys that I am.. well, I am not leaving you guys or this book that I've matured with through the months but yet, I still want to take a break.

Yes, I am taking a break from wattpad because everything around me isn't right anymore, I am not myself anymore.

I need time, I need time to rest, to think, and to cope with my mental illness. 

No, I am not crazy, just... depressed.

But don't worry! 

I'll come back, that is promise for everyone, until I come back I'll make it up to all of you beautiful people x just leave a comment down below of a request so I can do it when I come back :)

I hope you guys can understand me and my situation right now, I am sorry if I disappointed you.

I love you all and I'll see you guys very veeeeeery soon. 

Cheers x

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