"Would you be my date?"

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Lewis x reader

requested? yuppers, thank you

Hiya, for your sidemen and friends imagine book. Could I get an imagine of Lewis? I was thinking that y/n was going to get asked out by Simon, but Lewis really liked her. And yada yada yada Lewis and y/n end up together? If you have any other ideas but I just really want a Lewis one lol thanks

"Okay, how about this dress?" Y/n said, pointing to a black dress in front of her screen, she was picking out a dress to wear for the charity ball that was happening within a couple of weeks, and Lewis, her bestfriend, decided to help her.

"Ermm, maybe a bit too-" "Revealing? Come on, Lew! You've been saying that for 15 times" Y/n whined, Lewis chuckled and shook his head, "I'm saying the truth, ya' goof" "It's not even THAT revealing.." She mumbled.

"It is!" Lewis shouted, as he pinned her down the couch, tickling both her sides. "Lewi-HAHAHAHA s-stop i-it!!"She said, in between fits of laughter. Lewis stopped and pinch her cheeks, "Now, It was revealing, wasn't it?" "Alright, It was" Y/n said, rolling her eyes. "Atta girl"


The ball was only 2 days away and everything was sent for both Y/n and Lewis, all they needed was a date. Lewis was planning to take HER to the ball, but as he called Y/n, his smile was turned upside down.

"Lew? Lew! I have greet news!" "Yeah? Well, me too, I guess" "Okay, okay. Simon's my date!"

Silence fell over the line.


"Hey, yeah, uh... I just remembered, t-the warehouse is empty t-today.." "Lewis? What's wrong?" She asked. Lewis sighed and held the phone closer to his ear, "I'll talk to you later, Y/n" "What? Lew-"

He hung up and walked straight to his flat, deciding whether to go to the charity ball or not.


It was the day before the ball, Y/n was constantly texting Lewis, but she never got a single reply. 'Maybe he's busy..' she thought 'I'll eventually see him later' she sighed before going inside her bathroom, "Hoping.."


Everyone was there. From Zoella to Doodie, every british youtuber was there. Simon's arm was snaked around Y/n's waist as he talked to Ethan and Emily, whilst Y/n was looking for a certain Redman.

"You seem off, is it about Lewis?" Simon whispered, Ethan and Emily returning to their table. Y/n bit her lip and gazed up to Simon, "Yeah.." "Well? Go on and find your prince" Simon winked. Y/n laughed before wandering off to search for Lewis.


Y/n frowned as she opened the balcony doors, Lewis was no where to be found and she already lost hope. She looked up the sky before putting a strain of hair behind her ear, "Did Simon compliment you on how good you looked tonight?" A familiar voice said from behind her. Y/n turned and a smile formed on her pink lips.

"Actually, he did" She replied. Lewis laughed before joining her admire the stars. "Well, you look beautiful" He whispered. Y/n blushed and hit his arm, "You goof! I've been looking every where for you!" "I know, everyone's like "Lew, Y/n's been looking for you" and yeah, I decided to look for you" He slyly said, a goofy smile appearing on his lips.

Silence fell over the two as Y/n looked up the sky again, what they didn't know that their heartbeats were now in sync. "Soooo, how's Simon?" Lewis brought up. Y/n laughed, "He was the one who pushed me to find you, Lew" She smiled, filling the gap between them. Silence fell over again, "Who's your date anyway? You never told me" She asked. Lewis smiled before looking at her, brown eyes sparkling as bright as the stars. "Actually, Simon got her first.." "You mean Simon has another date besides me-" Then it hit her, like a ton of bricks. SHE was Simon's only date and Lewis was supposed to take her out.

Her cheek flushed and Lewis laughed, snaking his arm around her waist, "You look adorable, N/n" "Oh fuck off, Redman"

"How about no?" "LEWIS"

Okaaaay, I know it was crap pls dont kill me x lol I HOPE YOU LIKED IT, I did my frickin' best. Lovelots xoxo

Cheers x

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