Reading Fanfics

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JJ x reader

"Hello everybody!" I greeted the camera as JJ sat besides me. Simon and Gee to my other side, "Welcome back to my channel! Today! I am reading fanfictions!" "What?!" Gee shouted in a jokingly manner "We didn't sign up for this!" Simon added. "All you said was reacting to cute corgis!" Gee whined.

I laughed and so did JJ. "Enough whining and man up, you cunts" JJ said.

"I hope this will go well" I said as I opened the Wattpad app. "Hopefully not" Simon said.

t i m e s k i p

"Gee moaned as Simon grabbed her-" "NO!" Gee interrupted. Simon had an amused look on his face and JJ was laughing his ass off. "'simon!' she groaned as-" "Please don't" She whimpered. Simon began to laugh with JJ as Gee had a horrified look on her face.

I continue to read and Gee wasn't very pleased about it. "This is making me quiet hard" Simon said as he laid on his back in JJ's bed. "Come on! Just one more fanfic!" I said. Gee shook her head and I laughed, looking up to JJ, saying, "Are you ready for (your ship name) babe?"

a n o t h e r t i m e s k i p

"'oh Jide! Oh!' Y/n moaned as JJ slammed himself into her dripping-" "Ermmmm.." I interrupted Gee and Simon looked at me, JJ kept laughing while I was horrified as Gee before.

"'don't stop!' she whimpered. JJ began to thrust faster as-" "ANND! That ends the video!" I shouted, doing my outro as Jide hugged me from behind.

Simon and Gee excused themselves and JJ helped me editing the video. "What would be the title?" I said, turning my head to him. "Reading fanfics w/ KSI ft. Minee" He suggested. An idea popped in my head and I typed it.

"Babe, Why did you put 'gone sexual'?" He asked, kissing my temple.

I laughed and uploaded it, "For more views"

yey! my first JJ imagine😈💘

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