I miss you

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Calfreezy x reader

requested? yep, thank youuu

Hey! great book! I was wondering if I could request? So...... Callum (calfreezy) and the reader had a hate relationship back then and they ignore each other. After the match vs the sidemen, y/n was so proud of him she tackled him into a hug or maybe kissed him (idek) that sparked their feelings!

Here it is love x*

"Ok, You can do it Cal" Sarah said through her phone, I looked outside the car window and saw many people gathering outside of the stadium. "Yes, Y/N is coming with me.. Ok.. Love you too.. Goodluck and see ya" She said as she hang up.

I looked over at her and she smiled. "Freezy was excited to see you" "oh get over it Saz. It's been years since I saw the dickhead. I just hope he steps on the ball and trips over" (wink wink😂)

"A bit rude" Sarah teased. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

Freezy and I never got along. We just didn't click at first and he became the dickhead I knew since.

// Timeskip //

"See! I told you he would trip over!" I laugh, Sarah turned to me and rolled her eyes. Freezy was laying on the grass and Harry helped him out. Harry whispered something in his ear and he turned his attention to my direction, I was sitting next to Sarah near the benches where they would take a break (I forgot what it was called jeez)

Freezy gulped and looked back at Harry, nodding he ran to where the ball was at.

// Another Timeskip //

"GOAL!!" I shouted. Sarah began jumping and so did I "I told you Y/N!! I told you!" She shouted. I laughed and hugged her.

I never felt proud for him

"Come on.. Lux is waiting for us" Sarah said and we went down the tunnel before some of the fans would crush us.

// Inside the YTAS locker room //

"I'm so proud of you guys!" I shouted, as I enter the room. Willne smiled and so did JMX "Y/N!!" Caspar shouted. "Ew! Don't hug me! You're-" Too late. Caspar crushed me into a giant sweaty hug "CASPAR!"

The boys laughed as he pulled away. I greeted Josh (Pieters) and he chuckled. "You ginger! You made me proud" I teased. He rolled his eyes and I laughed.

I excused myself to go to the Sidemen room to congratulate MY boys.

I opened the door and went outside. Closing it, I sighed. Calfreezy wasn't inside.


I jumped slightly and turned around. My heart flutters and my breathing hitches.

"He-hey Cal" I stuttered. His eyebrows knitted and then he relaxed, smiling and chuckling.

"Did you enjoy the match?" He asked. Scratching the back of his long neck

"Of course I did" I mumbled. "Especially the part you tripped" "Hey!" He whined. I smirked at his immatureness

"Hey.. uh... Y-Y/N" "Yea?" "Were you proud of me?"

He shyly asked. Looking at his shoes. I giggled and hugged him.

"Of course I am you giant dickhead" I mumbled in his shirt. He laughed and hugged me tighter.

"I miss you"

"I miss you too, Tripod.."

// part 2? //

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