Fall for him

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WillNE x reader

His words that would calm me, every time I fail to do something or fear something. Will would stroke my hair and kiss my forehead, he was caring and down to earth. I loved him.

So much.

So much that I never wanted to let him go as I watched him burst into tears outside my front door. So much that I always wanted to hug him.

Will was my bestfriend and I loved him more than anything, I cared for his feelings and It hurts me to see him cry. Cry over some stupid girl.

"Will?" I whispered as I open his door. It was quite. No noises nor movements. "Will?" I whispered, a little louder this time. He groaned and rolled over his bed, sniffing. He looked at me with red puffy eyes and a frown across his lips.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice a bit croaky. I sat besides him, stroking his brown hair. He lifted his head and laid on my knee. "What happened, Will?"

"Lucy.." He began. I sighed and continue to stroke his hair. He continues with his story on how "He deeply loved her" and "why did she leave" stuff like that.

I stopped stroking his hair and continue to listen, "I just love her. So much." Those words suddenly hit me, all these emotions that he dedicated to her... Were real. He loved her, the same amount as I love him.


I choked back tears and gazed down to him, my vision was blurry because of the tears threatening to spill, "Y-yes?"

"What's bothering you, love?"

"Nothing" I lied. His room was dimmed, the only light sources was the lamp next to his bed. I felt a tear run down my cheek. Will didn't saw it though.

"Tell me" He said, his voice cooing into my ears. I shook my head. More and more tears running down my pale cheeks.

"No, it's nothing" I lied, biting my lips as I felt him straighten himself up. I quickly wipe the tears, he turns on the lights and stops his tracks as he looks at me. I tilted my head, confused. He shook his head and sat in front of me, a hand reaching out to put a strain of hair behind my ear.


"Yes, N/n?"

"Is.. is it okay to fall for.."



His eyes widen and the tension thickens. I bow my head and feel a shame. "I'm sorry, I-i made you feel weirded out.. Uhh.. I shouldn't say t-that.. That was really immature for me to fal-"

He cuts me off, with his soft lips. My heart races and my whole world was spinning. Fireworks. Sparks.

He pulls away and my cheeks burn up, "It's okay, love" He said, a big smile across his face. "I guess, finding another girl to cover up for the love I'd develop on you wasn't quite clever?"

I laughed and punched his arm, "you bloke!"

He looks at me and had the stupidest smile on his face, "Can I kiss you? Again?"

I look at him and peck his lips, "I'm taking that as a yes" He said before pinning me down his bed. I giggled and laughed as he leaves kisses on my face.

"WILL!" I laughed.

Maybe, falling for him wasn't bad.

This is shite

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