You're home

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Tobi x reader

requested? yes, thanks and lovelots x

Could u do a "coming back for the navy" one? I was just wondering what it would be like and u can use any guy if your choice


War was declared, a group of armed rebels were now roaming the empty streets of London. On every corner, gunshots, screams, and terrors were heard. The government needed more soldiers, more men. There was no exceptions, even Tobi.

Tobi, including all the boys, had to go in war. To fight for their country, to protect their loved ones.


"Hey, hey... I'll be back" Tobi mumbles against Y/n's head. She sniffled and smiled, her forehead resting on Tobi's chest. "I know you'll be" she whispers. Tobi sighed before hugging her tightly.

"Guys?" A voice said, laced with sadness. Tobi pulls away and looks at the doorway. Simon. Tobi mouthed 'A couple more minutes' and Simon nodded, going to the living room of the Sidemen house.

"Princess?" "Yea?" "I love you so much. I'll be back, I promise." Tobi said, lifting up her chin, placing a kiss on her forehead and a passionate one on her lips. "Promise me, you'll always move forward" He said, smiling faintly.

Y/n nodded, Tobi holds her hands. "Tobi!" A voice shouted from the distance. Tobi looks into her eyes, dulling because of the tears. He smiles and wipes the ones rolling down her cheeks, "Wait for me" Was the last thing he said before letting go of her hands.

--- 9 months later ---

"Tobs?" She smiled, pressing her phone gently on her ear. "Princess" Tobi greeted from the other side. She sat on her bed before wiping a tear of joy, "Hey, how are you? How's London?" He asked, gentleness in his voice. "I'm good. London? It's surprisingly.... good" She inhaled.

She could feel Tobi smile from the other line. "That's great, darling. I need to go, I love you Y/n" Tobi said. Y/n frowned, as Tobi hung up.

She pushed it aside and got up from her bed.

Knock, knock

"Coming!" She shouted, putting her phone down the nightstand. She ran downstairs and headed to the front door of her flat, fixing her H/L hair.

As she opened it, a big smile appeared on her lips. "Tobi!" She squealed, leaping into his open arms. "I've missed you so much" She mumbled into his t-shirt. He stroked her hair and lifted up her chin, "I missed you more"


I am terribly sorry for not updating! Please do forgive me :(

Anyways, It's almost Halloween!

You know what that means?


I'll try to update as many as I can. I got this illness called 'writer's block' -_-

cheers x

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