Seven minutes in heaven

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Ben x reader

"How do you play this again?" She asked Vik for the fourth time.

The Sidemen were throwing a small party at the house and everyone was invited, including Benjamin.

Vik sighed and smiled, ruffling her hair. "You pick a name from this bowl-" he wiggles the glass bowl in his hands "-and then you have to spend 7 minutes in the closet with the person you've picked in it"

She nods and takes a sip from the red cup in her hand.

"Let's start!" Simon shouted, Vik handing him the bowl.

"Ben?" Vik smiled.

Ben nodded and picks a small rolled paper in the bowl.

"Uh... Y/n?"

The room was full of cheers and high fives.

Y/n had always had a soft spot for Ben ever since she started to watch his videos but they haven't introduced themselves, yet.

"Seven minutes start now!" Chip shouted, closing the closet door. The closet was small, their bodies were inches away from each other. An awkward silence amongst them.

"So... how are you?" Ben was the first to break the silence. She looked at him with an uneasy look, "uncomfortable"

Ben bit his lower lip and shifted, scooting next to her.

"Now?" He asked inocently, a devilish grin playing on his lips. She let out a small giggle, "better"

"I'm Ben, Ben Morris" he said, looking at his shoes. "Y/n L/n" she replied.

"You wanna get out and go somewhere?" He suggest, looking directly at her eyes. "You know, somewhere with food" he added

She giggled and nodded, "I'll go"

"One minute!" Simon yelled from outside. "I know I shouldn't be doing this-" Ben said as he scratched the back of his neck "-so forgive me, Y/n"

He leans in, his lips sinking onto hers. She was shock at first, but relaxed as her eyelids fell down.

The kiss was passionate and sweet. Butterflies swarming their stomach, thoughts cleared out their minds, heat present on their cheeks, and the synced fast beating of their hearts.

JJ opens the door and Ben pulls away, a cheeky grin playing on his lips.

They ditched the party and went on to somewhere they'd know each other more, at the end of the night, after Ben walked her home.

He earned another sweet kiss. Only this time, she was the one to lean in.

Cheers x

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