i care about you

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/ChrisMD x reader/

"Y/n, love, when was the last time you actually had some sleep?" Chris asked, pulling out a chair to sit next to his lover.

She sighed as she closed her textbook, pressing the side of her face to the desk. "I don't really-" she yawned.

Chris frowned, stroking her hair. "You need to sleep, love"

She smiled weakly, "even if I wanted to, you know I can't Chris"

"I know you can, you need to take care of yourself too" Chris said as he pulled her out of her chair. He carried her towards the bed.

He gently sets her down and kisses her forehead, "I love you and I care about you. You need rest, those exams and studies can wait"

She smiled and patted to her side, "well at least rest with me"

Chris smiled and laid down besides her. Pulling her closer, she snuggled into his chest. "I love you" Chris whispered and kissed her forehead.

She smiled, "I love you too, Chris"

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