Dear future girlfriend

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Simon Minter x reader

Dear Simon's future girl,

You're lucky you won the boy we've always dreamt of. Simon Edward Minter.

"Oh! Si!" She laughed as Simon picked her up. Carrying her to his room. "You goofball!" She said. Simon smiled and kissed her forehead.

The boy we always wished was yours. The boy who made us feel butterflies.

"Simon?" She said as she opened the door. Revealing a sick and tired looking Simon. "Oh!" She sighed and ran up to him, sitting besides him putting her hand over his forehead. "Simon. You're burning!"

Please. Never hurt him. He was the only one that was there to make us laugh and cry.

"You ok?" Simon said as he kneeled down besides her. She nodded and rubbed her throbbing head. Simon picked her up and hugged her. "No more dizzy football for you"

He was always there to cheer us up. Don't let him down.

"I'm sorry!" Simon shouted as tears fall down his cheeks. She stopped her tracks and turned to Simon. Running up to him, she wrapped her arms around him. "I am sorry"

Do us a favor, Until the day you two get married. Make him smile, make him proud.

"I do." Simon said as he gazed down to his soon-to-be wife. She looked at Simon and smiled. "I do."

Tell him to never let go. Tell him to stay strong. Tell him that it'll be alright. Please. Tell him.

"Si.. I love you so much" She said as she held his hands. He looked at her and smiled as tears fall him pink cheeks. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her. Holding onto him like its her last.

Things may get tough for both of you but learn to love each other until the day that love doesn't exist.

"Si? You can do this. Please! Don't leave me!" She said as tears clouded her eyes. Simon weakly smiled and closed his eyes. "Simon" She breathed out.

Until the day he dies. Tell him thank you. Tell him you'll meet again.

"I'm sorry. He's gone." The doctor said. She looked at Simon's lifeless body and felt tears in the corner of her small eyes. "No.. He-he can't be" She breathed out. The doctor shook her head and gave her a sad expression.

Love him with all your heart. Make him feel it. Never say goodbye.

As the sky got darker. People went away from Simon's grave. She was still standing there. Her eyes looking at the ground where her dearest love was in. As she cried she knelt to the ground. "Simon. I love you. More than words can explain." She said as the rain started to pour.

But most of all, Tell him to never stop smiling.

"I'll see you soon, Si" She said as she closed her eyes. The sleeping pills kicking in. Everything got blurry and dark. "No" A voice said. She opened her eyes and saw Simon. "S-simon" "Don't do this... I love you.. I promise we'll be together, love" He said and wiped her tears away. She nodded and Simon disappeared.

"I'll see you soon, Y/N"

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