To: Everyone, you matter😊

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Hey guys x

I've been through a lot seen I've started this book. You guys are making me feel so proud of my self.

I just had to be honest with y'all.

I'm diagnosed with Severe Depression😔

I don't know why I'm telling you, beautiful guys, this thing. But I'm here to tell you; Suicide is not the answer. Self-harming is not the answer. I saw pictures on the internet where girls and boys cut themselves.

Guys, Please no. I am here, We are here. You matter to us. I am always here to help. Just message me if you need a friend.

Suicide and Self-harming is never a joke. I've been there, to the part where you feel like no one cares? the part where you just wanna die?

Darling, please hear us out. Talk to someone, be strong. It'll be better. Just not now. Someday. I, personally am willing to listen.

Every part of you is perfect. Those scars are fighting scars, only means that you're fighting and you're alive.

Everybody in this world matters, even you. Please. Don't give up.

This is not how your story ends. You're only a child, you shouldn't dream of death. There are more possibilities you can reach!

If feel like no one cares, just know that I'm here. I believe in you.

Gee believes in all of you😊

Be strong and You can do this.

You matter

You are beautiful

Please, never hesitate to message me. I'm always here willing to talk.


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